"Love in the Garden of Eden"

Zane 2022-10-22 19:52:58

The plot is not very stretchy, and it is not very convincing, especially the key role of Dean.

However, the characters in it, especially the supporting characters, are all so cute, and even the town is equally cute and tolerant.

It's great to see Tim DeKay from Detective Thief, and Louise Fletcher, the Oscar-winning actress who hasn't been noticed since One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

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Big Eden quotes

  • Jim Soams: There's so few nice surprises in life. Seems to me that it'd be kind of a shame to squander one of them, don't ya think?

  • Grace Cornwell: Listen, you know what they say when you get lost in the woods? If you stay put, stay in one place and don't wander, they'll find you. And I was just hoping you'd let yourself be found this time. I was hoping you'd let us find you. But you keep wandering and we can't.

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