No amount of nightmares is enough

Barton 2022-10-11 18:02:51

Psychotic anorexia, there is something in the stomach, I want to vomit, I don't go crazy, I can't survive, I don't torture myself, I'm not happy

, I'm self-abuser, I'm not tired

, I open my eyes unwillingly from 15 hours of sleep, my body is stiff, my bones are sore, my fingers can't move, only my eyelids move regularly With the heart beating violently, I poured down a big glass of lotus seeds like a mockery. The cold liquid from the heart crawled through the esophagus. But it fits me perfectly. I can't stop retching

. Amy's expression is too exaggerated. I always see myself in the mirror. Since then you have been chosen or have been chosen long ago This life of misery and hopelessness This wicked and painful beginning The priests in the church are all liars and you know it well, and no one can help you but yourself

. Burning all this is the prelude to Nirvana,

but I think Nick is the only hero in this film. Even if Amy desperately goes to the hospital where time and space are chaotic to save him for love and for him, I don't think she is strong, but Nick from the beginning. In the end, I never doubted my feelings, nor was I afraid of being handsome :)

Is death a terminal? I can only tell you when I come back from there.

When she walks through the ruins screaming and running frantically, the blood all over her body screams that you see this? You guys have such similar fears and nightmares, but you're not like that idiot Lucas who's been around all the time and those disgusting-looking zombies. son. . . Fuck your faith, fuck your hands with blood on your hands, you want to take him from Lao Tzu, what do you want from Lao Tzu, first ask Lao Tzu for this rusty giant sword in his body All I want, all i need, is to see my enemies bleed, is to kill the ones light saved!

I am the one who is awake all day looking at my hands clenching the dagger to open my abdomen. I can see the red and white flesh but no pain. The tip of the knife is stirring slowly and logically. I don’t know what I am looking for. After two days of progress, I finally dug out the heart. The moment I peeled off the abdominal cavity, it shrank into a small black mass. The wrinkled skin was cut with the tip of the knife and cut a small hole. The blood dripped and wrapped inside. The red and tender flesh felt the pain and the pain curled up into a ball on the bed The twitch frequency was the same as this shrinking heart

Kiss the black inverted cross ring on the finger In addition to horror literature, movies and a bunch of cold and delicate goths Jewelry lying together and reading black metal lyrics and Poe poetry as if it were the only pleasure of this barren life,

gluttonous cravings still alive,

my dear , I gave up my wild life on the seven seas I spurned the sweetness The filthy soul that lies in exchange for the storms and storms will no longer make me love Odin, nor can I accuse me of the sins I have committed Revisiting my hometown I have been standing in Valhalla waiting for you to come Waiting for you to get down on one knee and call me cara mia I will draw this sword and put the tip on your shoulder I am the Lorelei who always sings only for you

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Room 6 quotes

  • [first lines]

    Amy Roberts: What's happening? Where am I?

  • Harrison McKendrick: [to nurses] Always taking blood, there's lots - sometimes you'd swear it was more of a hobby than a job.

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