
Kody 2022-01-27 08:25:15

A good split personality, how can the soul become immortal in the end? The role of the heroine psychoanalyst is quite attractive. What is the essential difference between split personality and fantasy personality? This question is quite professional. I still admired her professionalism until she came to the conclusion that Adam is not a split personality but is one with David. I originally thought that the doctor could give a responsible answer to help Adam get out of his split personality, but then it became more and more outrageous.

The first third of the movie is still entangled between the two personalities of adam and david, but later on, it is found that not only these two people, more and more souls are attached to this "body", and the point becomes very important. Well, the movie has changed from subtle to thriller.

It can be seen, however, that the punished all have one thing in common: they do not believe in God. The movie can even ask the question "Do you believe in God or science?" I don't think the two are absolutely contradictory. Like carol said, as a woman I believe in God, as a doctor I believe in science.

The tendency of animism is very obvious. The old demon in the mountain can suck the soul away in one breath, and then spit it back and resurrect the human being, which is really blind. That nameless wandering soul was actually parsed into a sound wave, which was outrageous.

What I don't understand is that in the end in the witch's cabin, why did Carol run with the child and not seek the witch's "sanctuary"? Wasn't the witch the priest's enemy? The ending is a bit unresolved, is it to let the audience freely imagine?

A lot of movies show sacrificial behavior and fanatical Christians, but insisting on opposing science and religion is a bit of a self-inflicted trouble, and it seems anticlimactic. This film reminds me of "Jennifer's Body" and "Evil Spirit Contract", both of which have religious, mysterious, sacrificial meanings. Although those two are not too good-looking, at least the plot of this film is still complicated.

Jonathan Rice's ability to switch freely between personalities is a testament to his acting skills, and Julianne Moore is still so old. . .

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6 Souls quotes

  • Dr. Harding: That is a very compelling diagnosis.

    Cara Harding: Thank you very much.

    Dr. Harding: How are you going to prove it?

    Cara Harding: Oh, oh, dad, I'm not going to prove it. I'm gonna cure it.

  • Cara Harding: I don't want you to be alarmed.

    Mrs. Bernburg: I've raised three boys and said prayers upon their graves. Not much alarms me.

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