"American Team - The World Police"

Layne 2022-09-04 06:59:01

"American Team - World Police"
My rating: Medium
This film is absolutely spoofable, and the foul language is also from beginning to end. The most exaggerated part is the ML scene performed with a marionette. It's really a difficult action!
But the question is, what is the theme of the film? It seems that the American team in the film is simply causing trouble everywhere, making a mess all over the world in the name of fighting terrorists. The director seems to be very dissatisfied with the role of the world police in the United States. However, at the end of the film, the violence at the hands of the world police finally thwarted the terrorists' attempt to enslave the world, especially killing all those anti-war people who were deceived by the terrorists, thus saving the world. All I can say is that the theme of this film is completely self-contradictory: the domineering of the world’s police is to be ridiculed, the stupidity of anti-war people is to be exposed, and the terrorists have their own reasons, but the ultimate solution to the problem is to rely on violence. Two fists, attacking from all sides, to see that no one is dissatisfied, including myself.
This is probably a typical representative of the so-called "values ​​that Americans themselves do not understand".

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Extended Reading

Team America: World Police quotes

  • Kim Jong Il: You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!

  • Gary Johnston: I promise.

    Gary Johnston: I will never die.