Naked women, ugly men and more

Ayla 2022-03-18 09:01:03

This film is also a heavy taste: the head and the severed limbs fly together, and the blood plasma is three-pointed and one-colored. Even the intestines were dragged out as ropes.

It is said that this is a trailer for Quentin CULT's masterpiece "The Torment Room". These days, everyone's ideas are exhausted, and the movies they make are either sequels or remakes, and now even the trailers of that year are not missed.

But the sharp-faced male protagonist is really ugly. The rapist in "Prison in the Air" is now gorgeously transformed into a heroic detective, but unfortunately, his nature is hard to change. I wipe, are ugly men so popular these days?

It seems that the director is a fierce protagonist, and the supporting actors invited are all big names, even the old actor who has not met for a long time, that Xu Huaiyu in "I Am a Girl" called on the boys not to imitate the "Robert De Niro" All dressed up. Cow!

As a pure CULT film, don't worry about the plot. Those who love violence will see Shapi face slashing and slaying; those who love beauty, there are more exposed actresses, nurses, MM, nun uniforms, and more nude close-ups of Jessica Alba - oops, how can I flow Nosebleed? !

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Machete quotes

  • Sartana: I called in a few favors. Look at this. Got you all the right papers. You can start over now, be a real person.

    Machete: [hands back the papers] Why do I want to be a real person when I'm already a myth?

  • Machete: You're a fighter.

    Luz: Only when there's something worth fighting for.