chaotic time

Margarette 2022-12-24 17:42:13

Recently re-watched the American film "12:01", which was released in the early 1990s, and revealed an important proposition, that is, our lives are repeated every day, and conspiracies and traps are laid every day. Trivial and complicated work is killing our fighting spirit, and only by giving up something relentlessly, can we overcome the shackles and escape the shackles controlled by fate...

The outline of the story is: The atomic super-accelerator researched by the Utrell company where the hero is located causes time to rebound, and the day of April 27 appears repeatedly. All people are unconsciously repeating the behavior of this day, only the protagonist Barry Thomas The atomic weight is different from that of ordinary people because of the electric shock when starting the atomic super accelerator. Is the only one who can remember this rebound due to the change in energy level. Exactly on April 27th, his colleague Lisa was assassinated, and he was determined to use the rebound of time to save Lisa. One time is not a second time, repeated over and over again. As a result, when time rebounded for the fifth time, the murderer Moxley was finally sent to heaven and Lisa's life was saved.

The ultimate significance of this film is that in a time and space concept with closed time and space, people live in such a boring world. In the era of the post-industrial era, people lack "communication of love" and "communication of love". ”, and even lack of “inheritance of love” in China. Living in such a time and space is not the same as repeating yesterday, over and over again, until the time passes and life is too short to recall the past years. The protagonist works in the personnel department of Utrell Company, and his life is a mess, and his life is extremely unsatisfactory. The boss finds fault from time to time, his friends make innocuous jokes from time to time, he has a crush on Lisa, but Lisa is murdered when he gets off work in the evening... The very depressed protagonist is drunk, and after returning home, he adjusts the bedside lamp at home because , fell asleep after being struck by lightning... The protagonist who woke up the next day found that everything was weird, and then he understood that time rebound had happened, time repeated day by day, and everyone was repeating yesterday's events, All people live in the past time and space, and this kind of life is also extremely annoying to the protagonist, and he has to constantly accept that the beloved he secretly loves to die in front of him again and again... He began to resist, to find a way, and to obtain Li Sa's trust finally revealed the true face of the research project host Moxley. Moxley is a mad scientist whose research is not supported by the government, so he is determined to go all out! And the blood and passion of the protagonist is also inspired. This is also the positive and hard work of human nature to fight against repetition yesterday. Finally, after a battle of life and death and the madness of the speeding car, the protagonist and his lover Lisa finally defeated the opponent. But a dramatic scene appeared. The police appeared at the right time and arrested a pair of lovers who had just received a new life. However, they do not regret it. They use their courage and wisdom to prove that they can overcome themselves and the future will return to normal... People are fighting with "self" in their lives every day. In a seemingly absurd world, the greatest The enemy is precisely the "self". This is the helpless sense of reality... This kind of life is disgusting and helpless, and most people choose "obedience", and we want to do something in the world, we can't do this, just like the protagonist, we must get rid of our "spiritual shackles" and have a good time with ourselves. A mortal duel! The enemy in the representational sense is easy to defeat. The hardest thing to overcome is yourself. We watch this seemingly sci-fi movie, and we can't just see it as a fictional story. Stories like this are played out almost every day, and we are the protagonists! The paradox of life is that you can never be sure what will happen next time? After reading it, I thought about it for a long time and wrote this article. I am thinking that the uncertainty of life makes us full of expectations, but the repetition of yesterday is challenging our endurance. This requires us to practice courageously, stick to our conscience, and more importantly, we must have momentum and courage to move forward without fear of danger. Spirit! With these spirits, we can break the repeated yesterday and have a blue sky!

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Extended Reading

12:01 quotes

  • [Barry and Howard watch Lisa across the lunchroom after Barry's first disastrous attempt to meet her]

    Barry Thomas: So, uh, she likes me. A lot. Wouldn't you agree?

    Howard Richter: Yeah. I'd say, like, you and a vicious ice cream headache are probably neck and neck.

    Barry Thomas: Do I always sound like such an idiot or, or do I just save it for the people I really want to impress?

  • [waking on the "second" morning, Barry realizes that his potted geranium, which he had drunkenly broken the night before, is now intact again]

    Barry Thomas: *One* of us fell down last night.

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