"Thor 2 The Dark World" tells that two years after the end of the New York War, Thor, who returned to the fairy palace, will face the challenge of an ancient dark force. The vengeful dark elf leader Malekas leads a mysterious and powerful race to come back. , Intends to shroud the entire universe in darkness. Faced with such a powerful enemy that even Odin and the entire fairy palace are helpless, there is only Loki who knows them, so Thor had to ask Loki, who is still in prison, for help. Sol releases Loki and He will form an alliance with him and embark on the most dangerous journey in his life. Although this journey will make him reunite with the earth lover Jian for a long time, it will also force him to sacrifice everything. Only in this way can he save the entire universe. The plot of "Thor 2 The Dark World" did not follow the trend or fall into clichés. Instead, it was more reasonable and more grounded. It told us a complete and exciting story, giving the audience a more intuitive and more detailed story description. The three leading actors of the film have joined forces, which adds a lot to the film.
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