Wait until the scenery is clear

Larissa 2022-03-21 09:01:33

Review the film itself first, and then express personal feelings. The soundtrack is great, the familiar old songs are seamlessly matched with a familiar and fresh feeling, and the Chinese translation is the finishing touch. On average, every three or five minutes in the theater, the audience burst into laughter, and this movie is worth the ticket price. And my favorite cat in boots, this time is still the highlight. The only small bug is, who can explain to me, how do you give birth to a baby because the size of a donkey and a fire-breathing dragon are so different?
------------------ The dividing line
SHREK4 is no longer a children's fairy tale. It is an allegory for adults. In other words, SHREK1-4, in a row, is a complete guide to love and marriage. The first part teaches us to abandon appearances to find true love, the second part tells us that marriage is a matter of two families, the third part sees the anxiety and happiness of parenthood, and the fourth part is about the helplessness of marriage and the mid-life crisis of men .
The beginning of the movie will definitely make many men look at it with a heart. Even I was in a cold sweat. Married life has happy kisses in the morning when you open your eyes, but it's more about crying children, bottles, diapers, noisy aunts and aunts, everything you like or don't like about him/her, all over the place come. Reality is a killer. All the romantic warmth was gone.
Everyone wants to run away.
It's no wonder that recently, most of my buddies have encountered some emotional problems that have been unreasonable and chaotic. There are those who are struggling to chase a girl who is about to get divorced, those who quarrel with their wives every day, and those who encounter true love outside of marriage so that they want to get an impulsive divorce... Poor me, I have become a female spokesperson, and I take the trouble to do it for them from a female perspective. Psychoanalysis and strategic guidance.
In fact, men have not changed at all in thousands of years. On the one hand, they hope to find a safe cave, to have children to continue their lives, and to have a wife dedicated to them to provide warmth, which is a sense of belonging; on the other hand, they will always go out hunting, curious about any fresh prey, which is desire to conquer. Men spend their entire lives oscillating between belonging and conquest. It's no wonder that the company's primitive-themed game is highly respected by male players, and any partner will take a fancy to this game at a glance, regardless of age and nationality, without exception. Probably all men yearn for a simple and naked life in primitive society in their hearts. Hunt during the day and burrow at night.
So men and women, be sure to leave some personal space for each other. But what you do in your personal space is entirely up to you. SHREK educates men that it's okay to let loose occasionally. But playing Dafa, you have to pay a heavy price. "What you can't get is the best" and "you only know how to cherish it when you lose it", these two sentences are golden rules, and men can weigh them clearly.
There is a popular saying on the Internet, absolute words are not rough. This sentence says that behind every woman who makes you think about it, there is a man who sleeps with her and vomits. Think about it the other way around, the woman beside you who makes you vomit from sleep is actually the goddess that others are thinking about. What an ironic philosophical proposition.
Of course, married people can bash me and say I don't have back pain when I stand and talk. I can't argue with that either. So let's stop talking about married life. After all you eat pork, I have only seen pig run.
As a pre-marital person, I can still have a small wish. I want to marry a man I love. I know that this love will eventually be spent in the day after day of firewood, rice, oil and salt. But at least we can still recall the heartbeat when we first met.
Of course life doesn't last forever. Therefore, the seven words "If life is only as first seen" will be recited by so many men and women of literature and art. But, seeing it for the first time is better than nothing. True love is better than none at all. A true love that disappears is better than a true love that never appears.
Marriage can be managed, feelings can be cultivated, but love is unattainable. Many people have chosen to compromise, compromise with time, with reality, and with the illusory nature of true love. This is also understandable.
The throbbing, hurt, sweetness, longing, waiting, and missing that true love once gave are the scenery of life; the happiness, quarrel, dullness, running away, staying together after marriage are also scenery.
The best result is nothing more than waiting until the scenery is seen through, and willing to hold hands and watch the water flow.

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Shrek Forever After quotes

  • Princess Fiona: And when the smoke clears... Wait, what's this?

    Cookie: That's my chimichanga stand.

    Princess Fiona: Um, no, Cookie. We won't be needing that.

    Cookie: Trust me, Fiona. Y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, OK? Now go and finish your little speech.

  • Donkey: You know what would pick up the morale in here? Flip-flop Fridays. You can feel the breeze in your toes.