That day, I just had a dream

Kole 2022-03-21 09:01:33

Before, I saw that the evaluation of "Shrek 4" was not high, so I hesitated and never watched it. Finally, with two free movie tickets in front of me, I cherished it and did not let myself regret it. Because the expectations were not high, after reading it, I found that it was actually not bad, and it was very good. As the end of the series, there is always no disgrace to the good reputation left by the first.

Although this movie appeared before "Inception", its release in China was pushed again and again until the summer vacation was over, and it reached a screening time similar to "Inception". And the whole story of "Shrek 4" is actually just a dream, not a story that is closely related to the previous series, but more like a rumor, an episode in the life of Shrek 4 and the princess, It's just that the whole episode is amplified into a whole story.

Shrek, who is a monster, lives in a bland parenthood all day long, and does not know the true meaning of life and happiness. Finally one day, he felt a little tired, and recalling the simple pleasure of being a simple monster, this aftertaste made him a little uneasy. It is this kind of unease that makes him a little restless about life, and also makes the bewitching fall from the sky, making him experience a process of experience in his dream. He signed a contract with the evil boy to get a simple and happy day, and in exchange for a day, what he lost was precisely the day he was born, as long as he did not break the spell on this day, He will be indulged in the dream forever and never wake up, and the real world will be completely changed because of his absence. This kind of plot, speaking, is like the subconscious in "Inception", in the subconscious dream, it will be forever sinking, lonely and old. On this adventure of Shrek, he will get to know the donkey with big mouth, the cat who has become seriously fat, and he will also get to know his wife, the former princess. Under such a novel design, "Shrek 4" has once again radiated its brilliance and achieved quite good box office. However, this is not surprising. Thankfully I watched it and didn't miss it. Fortunately even!

"Shrek 4" is actually more or less about a man's responsibility. For the ordinary life after marriage, having a playful heart is different from having a childlike heart. Shrek here is more or less playful, thus ignoring responsibility and commitment , And only after a thrilling battle did I finally understand what the responsibility was. This mess is no small thing, although as a movie, it will fill the entire episode, so that the movie can be full and full. However, such over-interpretation may not be the original intention of the screenwriters, they just continued the story to look like it was going well. As the audience, the responsibility should also be to laugh. So, the above explanation is a waste.

It is said that the sequel is difficult to make, and that one is not as good as the other, but as an animation, this year's "Shrek 4" and "Toy Story 3" have both handed in pretty good answers. Quite an excellent work, which is really rare.

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Shrek Forever After quotes

  • Princess Fiona: And when the smoke clears... Wait, what's this?

    Cookie: That's my chimichanga stand.

    Princess Fiona: Um, no, Cookie. We won't be needing that.

    Cookie: Trust me, Fiona. Y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, OK? Now go and finish your little speech.

  • Donkey: You know what would pick up the morale in here? Flip-flop Fridays. You can feel the breeze in your toes.