Suspense for suspense

Denis 2022-01-25 08:02:19

Seeing the conversation between Nicol when he went to CRS for the first time, and the bad news after he first started participating in the game, I realized that no matter how conspiracy theories are, the ending is likely to be a real game. Watching with this kind of thinking, in fact, most of the time in the film is boring and boring, and only expecting not to really guess the ending.
Until the end, when Nicol shot his brother and turned and jumped off the building, he suddenly had another view of the ending, that is, when Nicol might fall to the ground, it was the moment his brother was resurrected, and then he got up and took a photo. I patted the dust on my body and inherited his brother's inheritance....
Unfortunately, there is a warm ending. This ending destroys the conspiracy theories mentioned above, and at the same time proves the irrationality of various plots.
All in all, this is a suspenseful film for the sake of suspense, and it does not give me any special feelings. Maybe for me, I need more suspense.

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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