I'm that monster leader Fiona...actually every woman is

Adrian 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Fiona said, "You don't know anything about me!"
Shrek said, "I know everything

about you . I know your singing makes birds explode;
I know you sign your autograph with the word "love" Draw a heart on it;
I know that when you see a shooting star, you cross your fingers and put your hands to your forehead and make a wish;
I know you like to sleep with your feet out;
and I know you sleep every night when you When you fall asleep, you will light the candles. Because you are afraid to go back to that tower when you wake up."

I cried at this scene... I never thought I would cry... In fact, this is the

smallest details of love . He knows him I remember

some people put you

in their hearts and some people put you in bed A person who really loves you will put everything about you in their hearts instead of the "I don't remember"

every woman actually takes it from the bottom of her heart

Fiona , who doesn't want to be a strong woman, growled at Shrek: You don't know anything! No one came to save me I was on that tower all the time I saved myself! I don't believe in any real love anymore! !

Mother's... It's just my heart.

People are cheap and too easy to get things, so they won't cherish the plain and feel boring. Only when they lose, do they know how to keep

getting married, have children, and take care of the family. Yes, warm but don't think that women won't pursue that kind of leadership. If you have a choice, there may be times when a woman is unwilling to be plain.

Because she loves you, she discards everything else. Don't think that the other party won't have a better choice just because she loves you, because you are you, not because you can't find a better one. Love you and will not be tempted by other things, you know,

love is not buying clothes, carefully selecting sizes, sizes, patterns, styles, fabrics, lathes, etc.

If you continue to choose like this, you will be naked.

Don't just say to the other person: "Go away!" In the

future, it is very likely that you will exchange a sentence: "At the beginning you told me to go away, and now you told me to come back, sorry to go away!!"

Life is actually a long stream.

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Extended Reading

Shrek Forever After quotes

  • Princess Fiona: And when the smoke clears... Wait, what's this?

    Cookie: That's my chimichanga stand.

    Princess Fiona: Um, no, Cookie. We won't be needing that.

    Cookie: Trust me, Fiona. Y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, OK? Now go and finish your little speech.

  • Donkey: You know what would pick up the morale in here? Flip-flop Fridays. You can feel the breeze in your toes.