Last Thursdayism and many other movies

Abby 2022-03-20 09:01:23

I just finished watching it, and I was so impressed that I decided to write a review. After I went to Imdb, I learned that Dark City mainly talks about the theory of Last Thursdayism. The so-called "Last Thursday Theory" means that the whole world, including us and our memories, may have been implanted only recently, such as five minutes. before, or last Thursday. And then no evidence was found to refute such a view.
Watching Dark City reminds people of many other similar movies, Blade Runner, which also has a dark and dirty city as the background, Hellraiser, a villain with a white face and a windy leather jacket, and there are bad guys chasing good guys on the roof. The Matrix of the bridge segment, and the Truman Show of the controlled life. . . etc. These are still the most obvious. It can be seen that this is a sci-fi film that makes people feel intimate.
Then I thought about it. In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon said to Leonard in the cafeteria, not knowing whether Raj or Howard: "You know how I know we're not in the Matrix? Because if we were, the meal wouldn't be so bad." I probably also Can use the same standard to judge that he is not in the matrix or Dark City.
What if it's an experiment? In the movie, Mr Book, Mr Hand, etc. repeated hard experiments with the purpose of finding out where the soul of human beings is, so that their own race can reproduce. Where is this? By the way, the names of Mr Book and Mr Hand are so uncool, I don't know why, but the colors of Mr Pink and Mr in Quentin's Reservoir Dogs are so much cooler.
The battle scene was quite funny, like Harry Potter, the two of them stared back and forth, fighting for their inner strength. Then when John made the ocean, I wondered, where did the water come from. Then the lighthouse came out and the sun came up. It turns out that John created the light and is the savior of the world.
However, in fact, the greatest benefit of sci-fi is to open up your imagination and consider all possibilities. From this aspect, Dark City also has its successes.
Finally, after watching this movie, I'm going to watch The Thirteenth Floor

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Extended Reading

Dark City quotes

  • Mr. Hand: It seems you have discovered your unpleasant nature.

  • John Murdoch: I was just thinking, what you do seems kind of dangerous right now. I mean, how do you know I'm not the killer?

    May: I don't. Why, you feeling any urges I should know about?