'The Day the Earth Stood Still': A tedious remake of a spoiled classic

Kristofer 2022-03-19 09:01:04

When I was a child, I watched the black and white original works broadcast by CCTV. At that time, the special effects were far less developed than they are now, so the story still wins, and the plot is simple and compact. The $80 million remake, on the other hand, is putting the cart before the horse and doing nothing but visuals. It's really big and empty. The plot, which was supposed to be quite educational, was so loose and boring that it made me fall asleep halfway through, and all the deliberately emotional and touching parts were so fake it was funny. It's a pity that Jennifer Connelly and Kathy Bates, two Oscar winners, were wasted in vain; as for Keanu Reeves, it is completely a piece of cool wood, whose performance can be described as dead man walking.

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The Day the Earth Stood Still quotes

  • Regina Jackson: I want to apologize to you; it seems we got off to a bad start.

    Klaatu: It seems we did.

  • Helen Benson: [whispering to Klaatu] Run.