rock gangster and crazy stone

Edmund 2022-01-25 08:08:24

I haven't watched the movie for a long time, because I read a report that Ning Hao's famous work was more inspired by Guy Ritchie, so I turned to this movie. One is the loss of a famous painting, the other is the loss of a stone. I did see a slight connection between the two in the switching of shots, including the scene of the chase in the tunnel.

It is gratifying that Ning Hao made the chase scene the most dramatic, coupled with Huang Bo's own sense of comedy, this scene has become a symbol of Ning Hao in the hearts of the audience.

It's hard to completely like a foreigner's film, because that's not our life.

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RocknRolla quotes

  • Old Man at Bar: [Johnny Quid takes Old Man's drink and swigs] Oi, that's my drink.

    Pete: Fuck you, sing-along.

    [Johnny Quid gives the Old Man the finger]

    Pete: You're no help, and stop calling me Pedro.

    [Old Man grabs bottle to fight]

    Johnny Quid: [Johnny Quid turns to face him, crazy-eyed] Come on then, boy. I'll have you and your girlfriends. I'll do the lot of yas.

    [Johnny Quid points a sharpened pencil at the Old Man]

    Johnny Quid: Do I not look like a pothouse? Six foot down the bar. Go on, jog on, walk on, goodbye, bon voyage, fuck off.

    [Group of old men turn away]

    Johnny Quid: Was I good or what, Pete?

    Pete: Yeah.

    Johnny Quid: It's all in the eyes. Junkies, I shit them.

  • One Two: So you don't wanna know what happened?

    Stella: I know what happened. Hollandaise?

    One Two: I see you ordered already.

    Stella: You were late. Shouldn't you have taken precautions?

    One Two: Precautions?

    Stella: Well, that's your job, isn't it? I didn't realize.

    One Two: Realize? Realize that they had guns? Big, long, dangerous machine guns? With war criminals attached to the trigger?

    [cue big getaway sequence by the Wild Bunch]

    One Two: You know what, darling? I'm just gonna leave this laundry bag here, under the table for you, okey? Goodbye, sweetheart. You're way too dangerous for me.