bad movie

Jean 2022-03-15 09:01:04

The film is disappointing, with poor logic and full of loopholes. Based on three points. (1) I have never understood why this little Chinese girl likes this black kid? Is there any catalyst? Did not see it. The only explanation is that the movie wants to say that Chinese women look cheap since childhood. (2) Will Chinese children bully others for no reason? Especially bullying foreign children? The possibility is almost zero, why is there such a plot? The only explanation is to vilify Chinese people to cater to foreigners' anti-China mentality. (3) Why teach this black kid kung fu? Why don't I see why? The logic and reasons in the movie are very far-fetched. You must know that the teaching of real kung fu requires a very strict apprenticeship. I can still accept it after kneeling outside for ten days and eight days. I became an apprentice inexplicably. The true meaning is not manifested at all. In addition, this film is nondescript, I feel sick after watching it, and it is a thousand miles away from the interpretation of Kung Fu in "Kung Fu Panda".

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The Karate Kid quotes

  • Dre Parker: Mr Han's teaching me kung fu.

    Sherry Parker: The maintenance man?

    Dre Parker: It's China, mom. Everybody knows kung fu.

  • Mr. Han: Where is your jacket?

    Dre Parker: I was warm enough without it.

    Mr. Han: Go get it.

    Dre Parker: You want me to go all the way back just to get it?

    Mr. Han: Yes, all the way back where you hide it.