No secret weapon found in the desert - "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time"

Elyse 2022-03-15 09:01:02

Well, I repent, despite the many halos on the head of this movie: "Video game adaptation, Bruckheimer's production, Gyllenhaal and Arterton starring, 150 million US dollars to build, "Ha 4" director "... Wait, in fact, it is like a floating cloud to me, and the main weight that attracts me to watch this movie is just two words: "Persia"! And it's still Persia before Islamization, a magical era that no big business has ever set foot in.

The movie is naturally overhead and traversal, but there are many interesting passages in it. I saw that the Persian army was on the way to attack Kashgar and turned around to deal with the "holy city" Almaty. I immediately traveled to the Fourth Crusade. Originally, it was a good idea to help the Eastern Romans fight a big meal, but I didn’t have enough money to walk, so I turned around and ransacked Byzantium, the ancient capital of thousands of years.

The screenwriter's most powerful idea is Nizam's conspiracy, using the pretext of Almaty to provide the rebel city with weapons of mass destruction - steel arrows, he just twisted the entire Persian army to the holy city in the desert. As a result, the subtitles were searched until the subtitles were found, and a hair of the "secret weapons factory" was not found. Is this a joke with Bush? America is still at war! Seeing people die happy!

Players of the original game should be amazed by the scene of capturing the tower at the beginning of the movie! It is exactly the same as the beginning of the generation, the towering city walls, the tortuous and complicated routes, the skirmishers that appear from time to time, and even the stone bullets that fall with a long tail in the air follow the game step by step, and the camera follows Prince Dastan in the corridor and Walking through the cramped space such as the top of the wall, the essence of the first-person rear-view adventure game is presented at once. It seems that there is no game producer staring at it, the effect is completely different. That game adaptation madman (and killer) named Uwe Bauer, what about you!

From the artwork to the costumes and props, the overall quality of the film is still good, and the works controlled by the gold-medal producers are different from other low-cost game adaptation films after all. Someone who can turn a Disney Pirates game into a screen cash cow would definitely not cheat money by overdrafting the game's reputation. I think the special effects of the time reversal in the film are well done. The effect of the primordial spirit coming out of the body and then returning to the body is much more gorgeous than the simple reversal in the game.

Of course, it's made by Disney after all, and some places can't be too realistic. For example, in the face of the sandstorm that filled the sky, the prince and the princess actually sat in a small tent to talk and hide. Another example is that Tusi was cut to death by his uncle's throat, and the wound turned out to be just a shallow bloodstain. After all, it's not a serious epic production, just laugh at it.

The two periods of parkour were not long, but the action director was hired by the French founder of the sport, David Bailey, so the effect was still dazzling. From the French "Corporate Warrior" to the American "Ninja Assassin", there are more and more opportunities for parkour to appear. The effect is of course good, but as a gamer, I can't help but say that those magical actions of the game are impossible to restore to parkour. For example, stepping on the wall to run to the opposite side dozens of meters away, such as bouncing back and forth between the two walls, until climbing the roof, these actions are strictly beyond the physical ability, and it is impossible to parkour. It's a pity that the Americans are still not emancipated enough. Otherwise, they would hang a little rope and make it look like the scene where Yu Jiaolong chased Yu Xiulian in Tuancheng.

Another essential part of the game that has not been restored is the character's combat system. Dastan, a monkey-like agile master, is simple to operate, but the wonderful thing is that he will follow the changes of the environment and the opponent's position, and turn out many changes. Stepping on people and slashing around behind them, slashing around the column, turning over when stepping on people and hitting the west... These beautiful moves have been omitted from the film. In fact, it is still possible to change a better martial arts finger. Similarly, the part where the "Sand of Time" is launched in the film is all necessary for the plot, but those who have played the game know that turning back time or slowing down is also part of the combat system. If these effects are made with the popular bullet time, of course, it is a bit vulgar, but the past is completely omitted, and it seems too sincere to challenge the difficulty of the action.

Therefore, in terms of the action part, it is still not new enough. Soft weapons drawn by CG, parkour, CG hidden weapon duels, etc. are all recent popular action elements, and this film is far less complete than "Ninja Assassin". After all, this film is still about adventure and fantasy, not action.

No secret weapon could be found in Almaty, nor in Prince of Persia.

Netease manuscript reprinting note

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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time quotes

  • Sheik Amar: Yeah, nothing beats a good story, eh? But yours however, trading her in for a camel, please! I mean look at her, she's worth at least two! And as for you, young man, do you know your brother's offered a reward for you? Which quite frankly between you and me, borders on the obscene! I'd trade in my own mother for that kind of gold.

    [Seso gives him a surprised look]

    Sheik Amar: What? Oh you didn't know what she was like.

  • [repeated line]

    Seso: Nice knife.