Explosive head encountered by birds

Lucile 2022-10-28 23:56:25

The bird with the explosive head is very discriminated against by the public,
but he is optimistic and cheerful. He
has always wanted to join everyone's group,
chat with everyone, stand on the wire, and bask in the sun.
I think his way of making friends is very skillful,
even children who don't like him have to get close to him.
It's just that the exploding head is still bullied by the birds, and
the birds peck him off the wire - of
course, the birds end up embarrassed with nowhere to hide.

When you point at others to scold,
you know that more fingers only think about yourself.
When you are majestic, you
didn't expect yourself to be down and out.
When you only care about yourself and your own small group, you
don't think about the feelings and interests of other people.

When you look at people who shave people,
people also shave their heads.

A lighthearted short film.
It's also a rather satirical piece.

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