Who is crazy?

Giles 2022-03-19 09:01:04

1. If the world is full of lies, and everyone tells lies, then the lie told countless times has become the truth, the normal state and inner order of the world. If at this time there is a child in the emperor's new clothes who is consistent in his words and deeds, and comes out to do what he wants to do and tell the truth, then the world will think he is a lunatic. Sometimes people who commit suicide are because they see too well, see the shattering of fairy tales when they were young, and see that the adult world is full of lies and deceit, but adults are telling their children how beautiful the world is; sometimes some people never want to grow up , I want to be a child because he sees the appearance of people in this world, the inner emptiness, and all the outer appearance is performed for others to see. Such a person has won a lot of honors in worldly life, but his heart is very tired, but he I hope to live a simple life and face myself alone, but I don’t dare, for fear of evoking memories of my childhood—perhaps my current career and work are not my childhood desires, but only what adults and the world demand. Once the childhood memories were awakened, no matter how brilliant the worldly honor was, it seemed so boring and desolate, and he suddenly suffocated like a balloon.

2. If most people in the world live a hypocritical life, their hearts do not match their words and actions - it stands to reason that such people are called schizotypal personalities in psychology, "madmen" and "psychotics", while a few people Living a life that is consistent on the surface, like a child's innocent words, then this part of the minority is considered "crazy" by most people. That's exactly what the movie "The Lady of Lost Souls" does.

3. It can also be reasoned here. If most people in the world worship money, they are selfish, they will do anything for their own interests, and they do not follow principles, while a few people abide by the bottom line principle of being a human being. Those few people seem to the majority of the group as "deadheads", "old-fashioned", "nerds" and "idiots".

4. From the above, we can think of whether the principle of "the minority obeys the majority" is really correct? If most of the world is bewitched and ruled by desire and evil, what will the world be like according to this principle? Perhaps the reason God wants a minority is to show the way when the majority is deluded. Although a few will be regarded as lunatics, if the lunatic insists on the basic and primitive human beings, the truth, goodness, and beauty that we have forgotten, then there is no harm in having more lunatics.

5. This world may be composed of two parts, just like the black hole in the "Utopia", outside the hole is another scene, people have been pursuing but unwilling to do it, looking forward to the truth, goodness, beauty and light given by God; Part of it is inside the cave, which is the everyday mundane. There are two kinds of people in this world: one is the one who regards the ordinary in the cave as the truth, enjoys it very much, and is content with the struggle for power, money and honor; the other is hoping to see things other than money, power and honor in life. things, and although they can't find anything other than this, they will look for it and believe that people have faith.

6. For those who only regard power, money and honor as their whole life, if they don't get them, they will suffer; if they get them, they will only feel tired and can rest temporarily to meet the next tease. However, for those who can't fully enjoy these, this struggle process only feels like a machine, and only busy can they forget the meaning and value of life. If all this is gone, then there is no life.

7. So from the above we can also see why the heroine said that she wanted to leave, but did not want to go with him when her boyfriend came to pick her up from the asylum? (Because her boyfriend cheated on her.) Why did her boyfriend say "leave these lunatics" to her, but she said "they are his friends"? (There is no deceit among madmen, very frank.) Why Daisy committed suicide, because Lisa spoke to her face to face the pain in her heart but tried to avoid the past - her father raped her, but sent her to a mental hospital, and then Rent another apartment and continue to make her a mistress. For the girl, this is such a great psychological trauma and great pain, so she constantly wants to die in order to find relief. Even when she is alive, she is pretending to be a child. Can a psychiatrist cure this kind of experience? Very skeptical, the film undoubtedly denied all of this. But the film also points out another way, that is, only when everyone faces his heart and the source of pain, perhaps writing can achieve this—reaching into the heart, alleviating pain, and saving oneself, can it be possible to walk out of the threshold of life.

8. In fact, those lunatics may have traumatic memories and cannot be relieved, and may have different choices (such as the protagonist does not want to go to college, just wants to write, and is sent to the hospital by his parents as a lunatic), maybe he wants to love but accept it. Lies that can't be realistic, maybe it's just because of personality; maybe most of us just follow the crowd, don't really think about life, just follow the requirements of society, parents, teachers, and leaders. When a person suddenly stands up in the middle and says, "This is not my life, I want to find another life, I have a strange idea", that personality will be regarded as a lunatic in a mediocre society!

9. Who is crazy in this world?

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Girl, Interrupted quotes

  • Daisy: You're just jealous, Lisa... because I got better... because I was released... because I have a chance... at a life.

    Lisa: They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up. You call this a life, hmm? Taking Daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks. And eating his fucking chicken, fattening up like a prize fucking heifer? You changed the scenery, but not the fucking situation - and the warden makes house calls. And everybody knows. Everybody knows. That he fucks you. What they don't know... is that you like it. Hmm? You like it.

    Susanna: [to Lisa] Shut the fuck up!

    Lisa: [to Susanna] Hey man, it's cool, it's okay. It's fine, it's fucking fine! A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... is a dad... a Valium, a speculum, whatever, whatever.

    [then turns to Daisy]

    Lisa: You like being Mrs. Randone. Probably all you've ever known.

    Daisy: Have fun in Florida.

    [she goes upstairs to her room]

  • Janet: I want my fucking clothes!

    Valerie: Then you'll have to eat something, won't you?

    Janet: [singing] Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton / Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay / Gotta jump down spin around pick a bale o' cotton / Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay...

    Valerie: [to Susanna] She thinks that bothers me.