The oldest god in the universe is Khao (Χάος, that is, "chaos").
Os gave birth to Gaia (Γαία, earth) and Eros (Έρως, love) and Tarr. Talos (Τάρταρος, abyss, hell)
then appeared at the bottom of the earth, Erebos (Έρεβος, darkness) and Nyx (Νύξ, night), the combination of the two gave birth to "light" and "day".
Gaia gave birth to Uranus (Ουρανός, sky) and Pontos (Πόντος, sea).
Gaia joined her son Uranus and gave birth to twelve titans (Τιτάνες) and three cyclops (Κύκλωψ) and three hundred-armed giants
(note, Gaia joined her son!!)
ten The two Titans are:
Kronos (Κρόνος) (sky)
Rhea (Ρέα) (time)
Okeanos (Ωκεανός) (ocean)
Koos (Κοίος) (intelligence)
Kleos (Κριός) (Growth)
Iapetus (Ιαπετός) (soul)
Phoebe (Φοίβη) (moon)
Thetis (Τηθύς) (ocean)
Themis (Θέμις) (law) Mnemosyne
(Μνημοσύνη) (memory) )
Hyperion (Υπερίων) (Sun)
Theia (Θεία) (Bright)
Cronus and Rhea gave birth to Demeter, Hestia, Sheila, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus.
(Note that Kloris and Rhea are siblings!! 1)
Zeus overthrew his father's rule and established a new ruling order. There are twelve main gods:
Zeus: ζεύς, (main god, sky)
Hera: Ήρα (marriage)
Poseidon: Ποσειδών (ocean)
Hades: Άδης, ( Hades )
Athena: Αθηνά (wisdom)
Apollo: Απόλλων (sun, medicine, prophecy)
Artemis: Άρτεμις (moon, hunting)
Aphrodite: Αφροδίτη, (beauty and love)
Hermes: Ερμής (Commercial)
Ares: Άρης (war)
Hephaestus (Hephaestus): Ήφαιστος (fire, casting)
Dionysus: Διόνυσος (wine)
Two of the gods of the earth:
Hephaestus Stia: Εστία (stove)
Demeter: Δήμητρα (rich production)
where Hera is Zeus's wife and sister, Demeter is Zeus' second sister and fourth wife, Athena is Zeus and Metis ( Daughter of Zeus' father's brother), daughter of Apollo, Herzonstos, Ares, and Artemis, sons of Zeus and Herad. Dionysus and Hermes were the illegitimate sons of Zeus.
Writing here, I finally understand two points:
1. Give a man a woman, and he can create a nation
2. Inbreeding is really harmful
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