Mad World

Brandy 2022-03-19 09:01:04

The title came up because a song by Alex Parks' cover of Mad World fits the spirit of the movie very well, and another reason is that the first time I knew this movie was related to this song was when I saw a video on the potato The clips of this movie are edited and matched with the mad world song and the mood of the movie is very commensurate with the mood of the movie, which is a bit desperate and contradictory

(video address )

and then talk about the movie The plot, I haven't read other movie reviews yet, and I think that different people may look at such a movie from different angles and will have different understandings. I also said in the reflection album that even the author didn't plan to be in conflict, but basically it is

I am inclined to the mainstream opinion of the society. At first, I thought it was the same view as the theme of Feiyue Lunatic Asylum, so when I looked at it from the front, I felt that the medical staff in the hospital were very domineering, which involved a problem. What is crazy is like something in The Shawshank Redemption It's good and evil, these are hard to tell clearly. You can't tell a person what he thinks and what he does is contrary to the mainstream of society. Say they are crazy, say they are evil, these people should be locked up. Resisting it is like proving their condition. These have been deeply exposed in Feiyue Lunatic Asylum, so I came up with the idea of ​​how the hospital should judge whether a person can be discharged or not needs more advanced treatment (such as electrotherapy or taking medicine but These all seem to have side effects)

and then with the change of the plot, the heroine seems to have a feeling of rehabilitating and then she was treated and then discharged from the hospital... Based on the point of view in the Feiyue Lunatic Asylum that I fully agree with, I am a little unhappy. Maybe there is such a thing in my subconscious. The idea is that what I do and what I do does not need people to arrange my thoughts, my own world, my own thoughts, as long as I don’t do anything wrong and don’t hurt others, no matter how painful or tortured I am, no one can take care of it. is what i thought

This is a bit similar to the idea of ​​the second heroine, Lisa, but Lisa herself is a bit abnormal and sharp to expose other people's hearts, but she doesn't understand why she has fallen into such a state that she thinks she is free but can't escape the madhouse I don't understand this bondage. I personally think it's ridiculous. I don't want to spoil it. Anyway, I think this person is the funniest. According to the comments, jolie played this person very well. Winona's like a general personal Susana played really think it is so much harder but the heroine's mental performance is really

above paragraphs written quite chaotic finally be a summary of the whole story of it which includes a wide variety of people get lost or confused, or so-called The "crazy" is only a temporary abnormal state. What goes deeper is the entanglement of a person's contradictions, confusion and complex emotions. Maybe you can also find the shadow of your confusion, but it is always to get out of this predicament. The meaning of this movie is probably clear. (I mentioned earlier that I used the topic to play

and it has little to do with the theme.) Then there are some things that are worth mentioning, which is the splicing and switching of a long scene in it (I don’t know how to express it. If you have a master, please enlighten me ...) quite impressive with a nice song (don't know the name...)

another song is the end of the world when daisy committed suicide ( .mp3 )

there is also a very country-style song sung by jolie and Winona, which is also very good in Downtown
( )

Finally with mad world lyrics love Alex Parks best song (followed by cry and wondering soul)

all around me are familiar faces
worn out places, worn out faces
bright and early for their daily races
going nowhere, going nowhere
and their tears are filling up their glasses
no expression, no expression
hide my head i want to drown my sorrow
no tomorrow, no tomorrow

and i find it kind of funny
i find it kind of sad
the dreams in which i'm dying
are the best i' ve ever had
i find it hard to tell you
cos i find it hard to take
when people run in circles
it's a very, very
mad world

children waiting for the day they feel good
happy birthday, happy birthday
made to feel the way that every child should
sit and listen, sit and listen
went to school and i was very nervous
no one knew me, no one knew me
hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
look right through me, look right through me

and i find it kind of funny
i find it kind of sad
the dreams in which i'm dying
are the best i've ever had
i find it hard to tell you
cos i find it hard to take
when people run in circles
it's a very , very
mad world

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Extended Reading

Girl, Interrupted quotes

  • Daisy: You're just jealous, Lisa... because I got better... because I was released... because I have a chance... at a life.

    Lisa: They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up. You call this a life, hmm? Taking Daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks. And eating his fucking chicken, fattening up like a prize fucking heifer? You changed the scenery, but not the fucking situation - and the warden makes house calls. And everybody knows. Everybody knows. That he fucks you. What they don't know... is that you like it. Hmm? You like it.

    Susanna: [to Lisa] Shut the fuck up!

    Lisa: [to Susanna] Hey man, it's cool, it's okay. It's fine, it's fucking fine! A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... is a dad... a Valium, a speculum, whatever, whatever.

    [then turns to Daisy]

    Lisa: You like being Mrs. Randone. Probably all you've ever known.

    Daisy: Have fun in Florida.

    [she goes upstairs to her room]

  • Janet: I want my fucking clothes!

    Valerie: Then you'll have to eat something, won't you?

    Janet: [singing] Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton / Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay / Gotta jump down spin around pick a bale o' cotton / Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay...

    Valerie: [to Susanna] She thinks that bothers me.