"Basketball Little Emperor": not just a "little emperor", not just a game

Axel 2022-10-31 15:05:17

LeBron James, Chinese fans gave him a resounding title: Little Emperor. The star of the Cleveland Cavaliers and an outstanding representative of the 03 generation, although he has not yet worn the championship ring as he wished, he has already shined in the NBA. Regardless of whether there is media hype, or whether there is support from the league, his gifted body, increasingly perfect ball skills, constantly refreshed data and his domineering domineering can definitely be called the NBA's dominance. "star". I'm not really a Zhanmi, but I'm still interested in watching a documentary about LeBron James' personal growth like "The Little Emperor of Basketball".
After watching the entire film, I seriously protested that the Chinese translation of "Little Basketball Emperor" is too one-sided, too gimmicky, and too literal. It may attract audiences, but it greatly obliterates the connotation of the film. The original title of the film is "more than a game", which translates as "more than a game", and is by no means a simple "little basketball emperor". Believe me, the film wants to convey a lot more than that.

Not just a "little emperor" (more than LeBron James)
In fact, I have always been puzzled by one thing, that is, in a country such as the United States, where individual heroism is greatly promoted and respected, the team consciousness and group cooperation are very strong, and in many aspects even is beyond our reach. As far as sports are concerned, team sports such as basketball, volleyball, baseball, rugby, and ice hockey are world-class. After watching this film, I think I can generally comprehend that the reason why these things are not promoted is not because of lack of teamwork, mutual assistance, and cooperation, but because such an atmosphere and background are always there, in the coaches who care for their families and children, in the In every teammate who inspires and trusts each other, in every individual who achieves his best self.
"Basketball Little Emperor" is not just about a "little emperor" LeBron James, but the story of him and his four childhood friends overcoming many difficulties under the leadership of the coach and finally winning the national basketball championship in high school. Including the whole team and everyone in it, "Little Emperor" is only part of it. As writer-director Christopher Bellman put it, "They were the six most compelling people I've ever seen, and I figured out very quickly that even a player as good as LeBron James can't The content and framework of this documentary is supported by myself, and I hope to tell a story of solidarity about the collective, about all of them", and this treatment does not compromise the film, on the contrary, the quality is sublimated .

Not just a game ( more than a game )
The focus of the whole film is the 2003 National High School Championship Finals , and it is interspersed many times to tell about the hardships and setbacks along the way until this game . It's not just a game, but the story behind it. It's the story that started from the floorless basketball court on Maple Street, the story of five children who formed friendship and grew up together, and the middle-aged coach who regained his dream and pursued his dream. The story of realizing a dream is a story of a father's efforts for his son, and a story of black children struggling to survive under difficult adversity...
In addition to the competition, this film also covers more meanings, more connotations, about growth, About dreams, about family, about friendship, it is a revelation to our values ​​and education methods. I was even more impressed by the description of the coach and his little son. Coaches who are half-way monks are inevitably hesitant, hesitant, and at a loss when dealing with many problems, but they keep learning from the beginning; small players are ridiculed as "mascots" by opposing players and fans as soon as they appear on the field. The disadvantage of innate physical conditions makes him different from those The "Superman" on the basketball court is more common and more common, and he has proved himself through more efforts and dedication, making everything impossible possible. "Basketball is just a tool, not an end point", as many sports-themed films of the same type tell people, the important thing is not that you become a basketball star, but the important thing is to learn what it means to be brave, dedicated, hardworking and through basketball and team experience. Persistence, no matter which field you enter in the future, it will be beneficial to your life.

Perhaps this film is different from the personal documentaries of NBA stars we have seen in the past. The director did not simply record LeBron James personally. After all, as an active player, LeBron's skills, achievements and experience The predecessors in the Hall of Fame are still too immature, and they can be included tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The director did not turn the film into a collection of wonderful pictures, but zoomed in and extended through LeBron's one-man American final, one point, to bring out a side of the growth of American basketball, so as to tell the story of millions of ordinary people. Basketball teenagers are those anonymous coaches who give silently, their family, friendship, dedication and dedication to their dreams, and if one of them can bring you some touch and aftertaste, the film will be a success

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