I don't like happy ending

Randall 2022-01-25 08:02:19

I have to say that this name is a bit misleading, I always thought the protagonist died in the end.

Knowing that it was about such a game that confuses the protagonist, I always put myself in his place to analyze everything I experienced. Generally speaking, although sometimes I guess the plot earlier, the protagonist may have done the best in his situation.

The only thing that is more suspicious of a failure is the final reversal ending. The sudden feeling seems to be a design for joy: after all, the story has come to this point completely out of the control of the audience-often the development of a story is always better if there is a basic deduction, or based on the inertia of reality; but In this story, at the last step, the director seems to be in a situation where he can do whatever he wants: he can say that this company is awesome, he has guessed everything, and the gun is just a prop in the trick; or he can also say this. The company made a mistake-this is understandable. In such a complex and huge game, how can there be no mistakes, after all, no one can control everything. The lack of such a basis in the movie implies that Michael Douglas will not die; if not, it will only make people feel that the last paragraph is redundant and artificial.

But in the end I found an explanation. Perhaps the purpose of this game is to make him jump, make him lose everything, and let him face the thing he fears most-his father's death. Jumping off the building and following his father's old path, this is the most frightening thing in his heart and therefore the most likely thing to happen. I have always felt that when I jumped, there was a trace of unspeakable comprehension to overcome the unspeakable fear in my heart.

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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