Born For Love

Kristian 2022-08-27 20:39:01

When a woman gives up everything and comes to a completely unfamiliar, even dangerous place, and has lived for 4 years, then there is only one reason, that is love, everything is for love, come and go...
Love at first sight always It's beautiful, so when Carola met Lemalian for the first time and her heart pounded, she was irrevocably stuck. Dancing softly in the ballroom, only the meeting of eyes, the ambiguity that only lovers have, in the dark There was nothing under the light. When she woke up again and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar face beside the pillow, Carola felt hesitant like never before. So when she saw the familiar figure on the dock, everything, let her She resolutely chose to live in a place full of black, sweat, and even sour, just to find true love. But everything is not as beautiful as imagined. The impact of different cultures, complete changes in living conditions, and difficult communication Communication, constantly bothering Carola. But as long as love is there, she is there. When she followed her Masai into that little tent, she had decided to give up everything, stay here, do A white masai woman.
But in 4 years, love slowly fades away, in Lemalian's repeated suspicions, in their constant quarrels for life, in Carola's repeated disappointments, I don't know when it started Knowing that Lemalian angrily smashed the commissary they depended on for a living, and strongly accused Carola of having other boyfriends and that their daughter was not his child, Carola was completely broken, and from that moment, she realized that she should Left, took their daughter, away from the place where she once thought she would spend her life. Four years of Kenyan life ended like this.
I watched this play in 2006, the movie has no subtitles, and the whole movie is in German with a little English, so it is difficult to understand the language. But a good movie can still convey what it wants to express even if it has no language. This is the case. The pictures and the expressions of the characters deeply moved me. There are two very profound scenes. One is Carola going back to Europe to go through the marriage procedures. Before leaving, Lemalian asked her, "Will you come back?" Carola looked at him and said very firmly, "Yes, I will." Then there was the increasingly blurred figure of the Masai, and then she really came back, as she ran firmly towards When the sweetheart shouted, "I'm back", when Lemalian happily threw away the whip in his hand and ran happily to the girl he loved, what we felt was the sweetness and greatness of love. For them, that For a moment, the air seemed sweet. The second segment was the end of the film. Carola planned to go back, but did not tell lemalian the truth, but only said that he would go home and be back in 2 weeks. So while waiting for the bus, he Asked again "Will you come back?" Carola looked at her husband's face, thought about it again, and said, "Yes, I will." But now Lemalian looked at her face, shook her head, and said, "No You won't come back." Continuing to say the same sentence, Carola didn't reply, just looked at him with too much meaning, unbearable, reluctant, and determined. Finally, Lemalian watched his wife and daughter go to bed The bus, in the dusty sky, the bus clamored away, the film freezes at that moment, if we can see Lemalian's expression at this moment, it should be despair, seeing the loved one leave us, but unable to stop it, then What kind of mood can it be? Non-verbal can describe it. So the director intelligently fixed the camera there, leaving us with infinite imagination, and we can appreciate the pain. After
watching this movie, it is difficult for us to locate who Good and bad, who is right and who is wrong, everything is for love. I believe that as long as you are a person who believes in love, you will definitely find the best interpretation of love in this movie.
Another digression is that this movie is based on a novel, and the novel was written by the author based on his personal experience. So when I appreciate this movie, I can't help but sigh that such a great love really exists.
Born For Love, the White Massai!

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