no sacrifice, no redemption

Jacklyn 2022-11-24 22:55:07

A temple that has been silent for thousands of years.

The lonely believer, who had traveled thousands of miles and was weary, came here to greet him on the darkest day in a thousand years. There was no white-clothed angel blowing a trumpet, just a barren ruin, and there was an imperceptible sneer at the corners of the gods' mouths. Well, just another poor fool, and like those before, he would back down... The

pilgrim knew what he was about to face, and that's what he came for. However, the darkness before dawn is always very long, uncertain doubts, anxiety of waiting, and of course endless fear...

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed, this light stings the sleeping people in the temple. God, also illuminated the faces of believers, the earth trembled... This moment has finally come...

The price of faith is always unimaginably high, the pain of physical separation, and the anguish of torment of the soul. However, none of this can stop the growth of the seed of faith in my heart. Bursting, sprouting, growing upward, and growing upward, let the devout soul transcend this humble body, and the branches of life grow infinitely... When the sun rises, it witnesses the birth of a new life...

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