There is a joke: "The people of Qi have a daughter, and the two seek her. The Dong family is ugly and rich, and the Western family is good and poor. Parents doubt that they can't decide, so they ask their daughter: 'It's hard to criticize those who criticize them, and they favor orders. I know it. 'The woman is two-sided, and she wonders why. It is said: 'If you want to eat in the East, you will stay in the West.'" Very silly and naive.
In the same situation, there is a line from Yang Gongyu: "I can still be with you when I marry him", which made many people laugh, but I felt that it was the most appropriate: Kong Ci seriously wanted to be a "Qi's daughter" . Since childhood, we have grown up together, lived together, practiced together, and played together. Ai floats on one's back to watch the firefly twinkle, and Ai Xin is happy to sleep with a colorful stone mandarin duck tent. Embroidered two handkerchiefs, one with a wind and the other with a cloud, all draped around the head, turning in circles like a bride, the bride of two people.
Why not? Married people are still in this city, and everyone is still brothers and sisters together. But the lover said fiercely: I don't want other men to touch you, and my father said to the calm one: It was a man who took his wife back. Yang Gongru's demeanor of the purest and youngest daughter was no match for men's dominance and their natural desire for monopoly.
So, only disappear. Only at the moment of staying young and being the most beautiful, falling asleep alone makes two people sad.
Even Yang Gongru, who has the best years, can't be a Qi family daughter who has both.
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