"Little girl, don't shake your head and shake your shoulders when you talk"

Brooke 2022-03-21 09:01:45

The little girl in the movie might seem like a boy at first glance, and her slightly bulging breasts prove that she is a little girl, not a chubby boy. Don't guess the little girl's scheming, you can't guess it either. And our photographer's acting skills are really penetrating. When the film reached the castration part, I was in pain all the time. Although I didn't give any close-ups, through the dialogue and the performance of the two people, the sense of realism expressed still gave me a synaesthesia. The photographer and the little girl stood on the roof of their own house, the scene was really beautiful. The photographer's neighbor, the Chinese lady, has a very strange face. It seems that all overseas Chinese grow up like this. After watching this movie, you will definitely hesitate when you take the drink someone handed you, and then drink it without hesitation. Egg pain is also a wonderful pain.
January 30, 2010

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Hard Candy quotes

  • Jeff Kohlver: Ah, so you and your mom are both wacked?

    Hayley Stark: I dunno. There's that whole nature versus nurture question, isn't it? Was I born a cute, vindictive little bitch or... did society make me that way? I go back and forth on that...

  • Hayley Stark: I guess they, uh, weren't brass.