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3096 Tage Reviews

  • Clifford 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    3096 days of being domesticated

    My name is Natasha, and I was banned by a strange man for 3096 days and nights because of a smile.

    The day I was kidnapped, I had a big fight with my mother. I felt that my mother didn't love me at all. This ridiculous idea did not disappear for a long time after I was locked up by this strange....


  • Vinnie 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    3096 days in the basement

    Many people must have heard of the ins and outs of this case. This film of the same name, based on Natasha Campsh's autobiography "3096 Days", is more than 95% consistent with the facts disclosed by the media and the content of the autobiography. There have been divergent opinions on whether this...

  • Miller 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    3096 days

    3096 days (2013)6.82013 / Germany / Crime...

  • Camylle 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    Imprisoned "3096" days

    The imprisoned "3096" day is adapted from the real events that shocked the world in 1998. That year an Austrian girl was kidnapped and imprisoned! In August 2006, she finally escaped. 3096 days! -----For more pictures, the protagonist in real life, please see...

  • Allene 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    3096 days: Nothing can stop a heart pursuing freedom

    Many people are thinking about a question: Is there a way to make others fall in love with themselves? The answer is yes. A female psychologist used some psychological means to make her students love each other, and she herself has been struggling whether her actions are ethical. There is a classic...

  • Lorna 2022-01-19 08:03:02

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    I have always believed that biopics don’t need to criticize the plot and shooting techniques, but this is really indispensable for me to spit on the introduction. There is a kind of urge to go on the horse and pick up the gun to digest this film in minutes. Whether the result is that the...

  • Evert 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    Abnormal life under abnormal psychology

    A perverted life under perverted psychology. When     a real event is expressed in a movie, is it recorded faithfully and calmly, or is it presented artistically and exaggeratedly?     The news that the Austrian girl Natasha Kampusch was kidnapped and imprisoned for more than eight years is no...

  • Kylie 2022-01-19 08:03:02

    Two tragedies, maybe three.

    Victory is plain.

    Before I saw it, I was curious about one thing, why can a person live 3096 days after being kidnapped? The victim must always be in a controlled position. Once the prisoner gets tired of this relationship, he can kill him directly. This will not bring him any burden, after all, he...