God blesses American entertainment

Winifred 2022-01-25 08:04:24

The following are the messy feelings

I wrote during the two hours of watching the movie: 1. Memory

When the first crack was torn open on the earth, I remembered May last year.

That time I went to Sichuan and accompanied the medical team to the mountainous area for rescue. On the way back to the station, I encountered the biggest aftershock after the disaster, with a magnitude of 6.4. I was on a dangerous bridge, and through the cracks on the bridge, I could see the turbulent river below. I suddenly felt that the bridge deck was shaking. The horizontal shaking was terrible, and I couldn't find a support I could rely on. I instinctively ran at a speed I had never had before. When I reached the bridge, I was happy in my heart. At that time, I thought it was great to be alive. Then we stood at the foot of the mountain and watched the whole mountain rumbling and shaking.

A full month after the earthquake passed, I was diagnosed with depression.

I have returned to that horizontally swaying bridge countless times in my dreams, and ran with my legs countless times, but I never crossed that bridge again. I fell down with the stone slabs, and there was a suffocating abyss under the river. When everything was too late, I started taking medicine, saw a psychologist regularly, and even thought about quitting work. Medications for depression can have the side effects of suicidal tendency. I asked myself if I would commit suicide, and I told myself that I would not. I struggled like this for a whole year. Later, I happened to meet some volunteers who were in Sichuan at the time. I realized that the problem I encountered may not be a single case, but the fate of our group was obscured by the carnival of another celebration. People have paid attention to all of this, but they have forgotten.

But that time, I was suddenly pushed to the brink of life. I have witnessed lost lives, slanted buildings, and cracks in the ground like in the movie. I feel helpless and painful for the passing of my life. From then on I know the fragility and insignificance of myself; I am even more saddened by the disappeared villages. In my heart, it is a sign of civilization, a mark of our existence. Who can erase all this indifferently and lightly?

So I cried. Fortunately, it is not too shameful to shed tears in the dark movie theater.

2. Faith
Also showing in the theater is Knowing by Nicholas Cage. I saw the disc a few months ago. They are all doomsday themes, disaster films, and I don’t know how the approval department considers them.

If you compare these two movies, it is really interesting. For example, two movies are related to the sun, but one treats it as a bonfire, and the other directly turns it into a microwave oven. Another point is that both movies are related to faith and are based on Christian faith. Although they are inextricably linked to Maya civilization, the habit of thinking still pushes them to another path about God.

Think about how serious the plot of Noah's Ark is that the two films used the secrets of disaster relief in the same way.

Although in this movie, there is the collapse of the arms of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro, the rupture between Adam (man) and God (god) described by Millerangelo, the collapse of the Vatican church, but when every animal was killed When the scene of hanging in the mid-air on the ark appeared, I really wanted to repay it with a vicious smile. Even the rewritten figures of the era appearing at the end of the movie have a hint of creation. In all fairness, isn't the era we have used so far still considered to be the merits of Christ? In this sense, whether believers or non-believers, most people in this world are still enjoying God's blessings at least while living their lives.

Of course, the two films have completely different attitudes towards the end of the world. This film chooses the path of self-help, which is quite heroic. Knowing is obviously completely desperate. He simply chose the alien (angel) path to save him. He still has to tinker with some scenes like the Garden of Eden. It makes me suspicious that it is receiving benefits from a certain Christian sect, but it is actually a religious propaganda film.

My feeling at the end of Knowing was stunned. Even if you have a firm belief, even if someone is redeemed, even if the whole family is reunited, what then? The sun storm lightly wiped, everything is gone? I don't know why, I don't feel at all how the two redeemed children have anything to do with me. It seems that the film has never made me realize that they can represent the continuation of human life. So I kept thinking, where was I at that time? what should I do? Why?

For the end of the film, there is no feeling at all. What about being redeemed? So a group of politicians, rich people, a handful of scientists and inheritors of the so-called fine genes, who can represent me and other petty people, are actually the muddle-headed manual workers. They didn't mean to resist when they let them die. They were grateful for giving them a way out? At this time, I really couldn't be moved by it. Nothing the director would make any beautiful declarations through the mouth of a scientist at this time would no longer make me believe that he is a person who respects the equality of life. I can only curse: What kind of shit concept?

Three, visual effects I
don’t know when it started, and movies are becoming less and less like movies. I admit that the digital picture is clearer and smoother, but this kind of texture always gives me a cheap impression of TV series or video tapes. I seem to be accustomed to the grain and blemishes of those films, as if it can be completely separated from reality. Come, enter the dreamland-isn't the movie supposed to be a dream? You make it so similar to reality, what do I need to look at it?

Or is this a sign that I am starting to fall behind the times?

As the picture becomes clearer, we seem to be able to easily pick out the flaws, and the less we believe in the so-called sense of presence the director has worked so hard to manage. I still remember seeing an American movie called "Earthquake" when I was a kid. It scared me to death in the movie theater. When I walked out, I felt like I had experienced a real earthquake. Later, Titanic, if you don't use the computer industrial light and magic, you will feel like watching a puppet show. This year, STAR MOVIES rebroadcast Titanic, and I feel that those pictures are so false. Today, sitting in the cinema and watching 2012, I can see at a glance where I used the blue screen and where I was playing VFX. I fell down on a chair without any thrilling fun.

Sometimes I think, if anyone can return to traditional shooting methods, just like Hayao Miyazaki insisted on the hand-painted style of "Goldfish on the Cliff", maybe it would be really awesome.

Four, entertainment
I admire Hollywood very much, even in this kind of disaster film that claims to be awakening, I never forget the spirit of entertainment. For example, the old couple driving in a classic car in the middle of the road will actually make us burst into laughter while we are nervous, and similar laughter points have been ambushed a lot, mobilizing our emotions from time to time. But I never forget that after the two old men finished their lines, the car overturned to the ground. There is no doubt that their fate lies there.

This makes me wonder, does the director have any kind of compassionate conscience? He tried to make father and son recognize each other and let the couple live and die together. They all seemed so hypocritical and short-lived, so sloppy, as if they were trying to accomplish some task.

That's right, the task. Narrative task.

Think about it carefully, every part of life and death in the movie is so scribbled. Every dead character lost his life before he could pose a pose after completing his own task. They are all just controlled by fate in order to advance the narrative. The Russian who crashed into the cliff with the plane, the doctor who fled all the way into the Ark (otherwise he should hinder the recombination of the hero and the hero and further concerns about ethical values), and even the black president... When I think of them , The miracle of the protagonist’s last escape from the dead, on the contrary made me feel a little bit helpless, so there is no way to blend in the joy and emotion of the survivors.

Although from the perspective of narrative theory, the characters in any narrative works are nothing more than functional constituent elements, but good works can always deal with this without leaving a trace, and even show us the Oedipus style. The unavoidable fate tragedy, but the film has left many failures. It can only be said that the director's narrative methods are sloppy and superficial. The reason is the blind evil result of the entertaining spirit.

By the way, I have to admire the Japanese abusing the level of product placement marketing. In the movie, all ages and genders use Sony Ericsson mobile phones, although those models are slightly outdated in China; leaders of various countries have a VAIO notebook and the brand is very eye-catching; even civilians eat and watch TV at home are SONY, could it be they Is it to imply that even if the world is destroyed, Sony will be handed down like the Mona Lisa as a heritage of mankind?

It's time to summarize the arguments: once again we saw a movie of Hollywood commercial entertainment film, it is full of visual special effects, although it is no longer magical; it is piled up with appropriate jokes, although it is only a trivial meal; It also allows the audience to experience the end of the world safely, even though it feels like riding back on a roller coaster-but when I walked out of the cinema, mixed in with the vegetative crowd after get off work, and squeezed in the subway, my heart was instead. It has become a lot easier, perhaps this is the greatness of American entertainment spirit-it makes us mentally healthy.

At least you see, now I don't cry anymore.

View more about 2012 reviews

Extended Reading


  • Charlie Frost: This marks the last day of the United States of America. And, by tomorrow, all of mankind. And we will be visible from the Milky Way as a tiny little puff of smoke. I'm watching the earth crumble before my eyes. The giant ash cloud created by this super-volcano will first envelop Vegas and then St. Louis and then Chicago and then, at long last, Washington, D.C. will have its lights go out!

  • [Yellowstone's caldera erupts. The giant ash cloud and fire is rushing behind them]

    Lilly Curtis: Daddy, it's following us.

    Jackson Curtis: Don't look at it! Get down on the ground. Get on the ground and hold on. Don't look back. Don't look back. Look at me. Do I look scared?

    Lilly Curtis: Uh-huh.