How many people see their own shadow from Max, or the shadow that will appear in the future that they fear. Lonely, fat, nervous about the world around you and with nowhere to go, being told not to be smart, working an obscure little job, living in a shabby, empty apartment with no one you love.
This is the animated version of "Little People's Diary", once again challenging the society's convention that the successful are happy. They are still small people by the end of the film, and the things they didn't like many years ago have not changed much, but why wait until they become outstanding and perfect, and then they have the confidence to list the top 5 words of their choice before they feel qualified to mention the mayor. Suggestions, only dare to write to the Oxford dictionary to ask for your own invention, and then have the courage to show your recipes to others; even if it is just a lottery winning, you can splendidly accompany a grand symphony and chant to celebrate your own. The moment comes; even if not married to an earl, and without a tall castle, one can be content and declare with certainty that "I have been compensated for the hardships I have suffered in the past."
Mary and Max's friendship lasted for many years, and after countless letters and chocolates, they finally met. It's just that on the morning of Mary's arrival, Max had already left in peace, with his expression on his side. When mary held max's hand, I realized strongly that max would never move again, would never sit in front of a typewriter and write letters and eat chocolate hot dogs, so tears started to pour out, and then I saw max posted When the wall was full of letters, it finally burst. But I don't feel bad, their joys and sorrows for decades have been heard and responded to by the other side. Those pictures, gifts, and letterheads are actually pasted there, silently confirming the fact that "you are my best friend, you are my only friend." Such a long-term friendship is the most dazzling signpost on the sidewalk of their lives. It was enough to ignore the remaining "cracks, banana peels and cigarette butts".
When I was young, I always felt inferior, and I always felt that I would be happy and satisfied until I became a student with good grades. Now life has unfolded in front of me and my peers who grew up together and knew each other. The way of life is like a menu full of desserts, each with its own name and speciality, and everyone has to make their own Choose or create one. "que aera sera, whatever will be". A life with friendships and one's own stories is happy and fulfilling, and that fact is as real as the typewriter, the dazzling pom-pom, the bottled tears, the full set of dolls, and the wall-covered stationery.
PS: The music is nice.
PPS: This movie has the style of "Amelie", and max also reminds me of Forrest Gump.
PSS: Only this time I cried.
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