Corrected version download address

Vaughn 2022-03-14 14:12:23

The download address of the edited version with sound and translation is

It is less than a month after the movie was released in North America, and the almost perfect version can be downloaded online. The version, for a blockbuster, this time is indeed fast enough. On the one hand, it shows that the pirates are powerful, and on the other hand, it also shows that the development of science and technology has brought changes to people's lives in all aspects. . .
The plot of this film is compact and the action scenes are relatively hot. I especially like the scene where Bruce Willis drives the street chasing the robot policewoman. It feels a bit like "Die Hard" back then. The movie still has some connotations. Advanced technology changes the structure of human society. It sounds like a relatively complicated sentence, but in fact, just like the countdown to the beginning of the film, the pace of technology is already approaching our lives. Maybe in the near future. In the future, many unexpected things will appear in our daily life. Whether this development is good or bad is a difficult problem that no one can explain clearly. . .
I like the idea of ​​this film, everyone replaces themselves with a machine agent, imagine: if it can really become a reality, what kind of machine agent you will use. . .
The younger version of Bruce Willis in the film is a bit of a motherfucker. . . Director Jonathan Mostow finally got out of the shadow of the failure of "Terminator 3" and handed over a good work. . .

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Surrogates quotes

  • [last lines]

    Male Newscaster: Still no official word on when, or if, surrogate services can be restored. It appears, at least for now that we are on our own.

  • Female Counsel: Agent Greer, we're not doctors.

    Tom Greer: Honey, I don't know what you are. I mean, for all I know, you could be some big, fat dude sitting in his stim chair with his dick hanging out.