Fly, crow!

Donna 2022-12-05 20:00:06

Hot Blood 2 and Hot Blood 1 also make my blood boil!

Well, before I start writing a movie review, I want to make a few digressions:

1. Makeup artist, please stop painting Genji with a panda costume when he is injured. ......

2. Genji ah~~ When fighting, in private, you have to tie up your hair well!

3. Miura Haruma-kun, if you're just here to perform a leg sweep~~~~ Then please go to the abdomen. Haven't you made Mr. Galileo cry enough? ? West, West, West, West! With you there is a coffee table!

4. Kuroki Mingsa really likes the rogue-like Oguri! ! !

5. Yamada Takayuki is still a makeup artist, so don't think about it, just paint him eyeliner! ! !

Then start the film review: After

watching Hot Blood 2, the thing that worries me the most, Genji SANG, what are you going to do after graduation?

Is it the same as Ah Quan SANG? ?

If it's a crow, just keep flying. If you are a hooligan, please live your life.

Although it seems very unrealistic, I am obviously worried every day, my brother will become more hooligan after watching this and I have never wanted him to look like

this ...... This film, the actors are very good , The fighting spirit must have the momentum, every time Oguri charged into the battle, it felt super good to run.

And anyway, fight! ! ! Underworld,

those guys who still have to wear black , Feng Xian, I forgive you for wearing white,

it's too inappropriate to leave your head bald, it feels like Yuanzhi SANG is fighting against Shaolin Temple.

Shisheng-kun, when you fell to the ground, I really thought you were going to stick your head with super glue! ! ! ! Please forgive my ignorance, it is normal to forgive you.

Takayuki Yamada, it would be perfect if it was a little taller,

Akira Kuroki, every time she dances, she is a superstar~~~~~~

Finally: that Feng Xian's name is Ling! ! ! When I was not talking, my hair was gently blown by the wind, and I suddenly saw Yu Aoi's feeling (I was wrong! Forgive me)
PS: Your umbrella is too small, it is not enough for the robot cat

. :

Miura Haruma-kun! ! ! You still don't make trouble! !

Don't you know that when people compare, there is a difference? ? ?

You bring your coffee table to play Galileo, do you want to compare with Uncle Fukuyama?

You brought the coffee table to perform leg sweeping again? Are you here to compete with Xiaoli?

If you have your film, there is a coffee table,

please, bring your coffee table and your cups, and go cut your belly! ! !


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