A hypothesis about "Mulan" and "Lotus Lantern"

Austin 2022-03-21 09:01:16

A hypothesis

- on "Mulan" and "Lotus Lantern" hypothesis

Mulan for the father of the army, the story of incense Pishanjiumu in our country can be described as including women and children, widespread. And now these two ancient stories have been put on the screen separately, but they are created by teams under the influence of two completely different cultural backgrounds, one is Disney, which is at the peak of the world animation industry, and the latter It is the Chinese animation that the Chinese people hate a little bit.
Although it is said that "Mulan" and "Lotus Lantern" are image bodies created under two completely different texts, it is not difficult to find that there are still many similarities between them, provided that we have to put aside this "Lotus Lantern" first. Lotus Lantern" is a product of domestic animation imitating "Mulan".
The producers have added pet elements to the stories of "Lotus Lantern" and "Mulan". The little monkeys in "Lotus Lantern", and Mushu and Cricket in "Mulan", their existence not only makes the story more interesting. It develops smoothly and adds visibility to the story, making it more interesting, and even more, when the protagonist is depressed, they can motivate the "host" in different ways, so that they can better accomplish their tasks. There is also the embodiment of Chinese elements. Whether it is the so-called Western culture or Eastern culture, they will have Chinese elements that can be added, especially Disney's "Mulan". After all, the origin of the story is from the ancient East. country. The ancestral halls, fireworks and figures in "Mulan", the immortals in "Lotus Lantern", the palaces in the immortal world, and the agarwood incense are undoubtedly reproductions of ancient Chinese elements. Then there is the biggest thing in common between the two: the embodiment of family affection. Whether it's Hua Mulan joining the army for her father or Chen Xiang's splitting the mountain to save her mother, what they show us is the greatness of the power of family love. When the country was in trouble and the family died, her father chose to go to war for the country, and Mulan, the eldest daughter, did not want to see her father dragging her aged body to the battlefield again, and resolutely chose to go out for her father, even at the risk of deceiving the king. She is also desperate for her sins, and Chenxiang in "The Lotus Lantern" lost her parents when she was very young (father left the world, and her mother was pressed by Erlang Shen in Huashan), and her little heart was driven by family affection and experienced After untold hardships, she finally split Huashan, which suppressed her mother, under the giant axe. During this period, Chenxiang also experienced a battle with the gods in the heavens to realize her dream of saving her mother. What makes these two have such faith and courage in the face of what we now seem to have quite a difficult "task" is, no doubt, it is the family relationship, the strength of the family relationship between father and daughter, mother and son, that makes them After overcoming all kinds of difficulties, the so-called great reunion was finally achieved.
Of course, since the two ancient stories are now created in the cultural backgrounds represented by the East and the West, it is obvious that they will be put on different coats. What we are familiar with in "Mulan Ci" is the scene of "chirp chirp chirp, Mulan is a household weaving, does not hear the sound of the machine, but only hears the sigh of the female", but the Mulan created by Disney appears to us in a different image. before. This version of "Mulan" embodies the individual heroism advertised by the West everywhere. For example, in the film Mulan participated in a marriage invitation, and Mulan in it actually slapped a cheat sheet on her arm, which resulted in a rather embarrassing ending later, and Mulan and Li In the battle with the Xiongnu, Xiang defeated the large army of the Xiongnu alone. We have to marvel that a little woman has such magical power. Of course, it is not impossible on the basis of making full use of personal ingenuity. It is a product under the concept of Westerners, not to mention that this is a cartoon. Art itself comes from life and is higher than life! Also, after saving the emperor, Mulan hugged the emperor. Just imagine in China, even a small poor person, who would hug the top leader of the country, not to mention that this happened in the ancient feudal society . What's more, in "Mulan 2", Mulan actually ignored the emperor's appointment and even married a few princesses to a few poor soldiers. Now that I think about what Mulan did at that time, this is a bit of a fantasy. Who would have such an open mind in ancient times, and Mulan eventually married Li Xiang. And our "Mulan Ci" is just "going out to see the partners, the partners are all scared. I have been together for 12 years, but I don't know that Mulan is a girl!", and this time Disney's move is to marry the heroine to the same famous family. The hero who has made great contributions, we can't help but say that this is the biggest reunion, but it seems to be a sigh that goes against our "ancient social tradition".
Let’s take a look at the “Lotus Lantern” created by our native country, which is the epitome of our ancient feudal society. In order to save her mother, Chen Xiang embarked on the road of fighting against the immortals represented by Erlang God, ignoring the film itself. , but it was a struggle against feudal society.
Recalling some scenes in "The Lotus Lantern", the film is full of red and yellow costumes, palaces, Chenxiang's bun, and Chenxiang's wish to save her mother. These are just some of the things that our ancient society has. trait.
What "Lotus Lantern" conveys to us is Chenxiang's idea of ​​fighting against the forces of darkness to save her mother and finally realizing her dream, while "Mulan" not only embodies rescue, but also embodies personal heroism, the so-called hero There are also individual desires. In the Western concept, individual heroism does not violate the social collective, while in "The Lotus Lantern" there is no further development. Our Greater Chinese culture pays more attention to collectivism, and the individual is always subordinate to the society. Collective, and the individual heroism of the West has developed to a very high degree, they do not exclude the value of the individual.
We might as well imagine boldly, what would be the result if Disney created "Lotus Lantern" and "Mulan" was re-interpreted in China? !
Maybe this will completely subvert the plot of the story, maybe Erlangshen will not stop Chenxiang from saving his mother, but will help Chenxiang; maybe, Erlangshen will not press his sister Chenxiang's mother at the foot of Mount Hua, and Chenxiang will not either. I have become an enemy of my uncle, and perhaps the beautiful love story of the Three Virgins and Liu Yanchang is reflected in front of us. If we imagine it a little more boldly, under the influence of Westerners' "Dinkism" concept, is there any agarwood or not? Another thing, but that's just an assumption. If the filming of "Mulan" is also made in China, the pictures showing Mulan's personality will also disappear without a trace. The image here should be a large and comprehensive image under collectivism. The combination of Mulan and Li Xiang may be able to It is established, but the plot where Mulan helps several princesses realize their own value will never happen anyway.
Provided that this is just an assumption…………

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Mulan quotes

  • [on the troops]

    Mushu: Beautiful, isn't it?

    Mulan: They're disgusting.

    Mushu: No, they're men. And you'll have to act just like them, so pay attention.

  • Shang: A life for a life. My debt is repaid.