After reading it, I am very interested to know about Lakme's opera~

Crawford 2022-06-14 17:02:10

Although it was quite depressing to watch, I still enjoyed many of the episodes. From the very beginning when I watched this film, I always had a question in my mind: "Why is there no scene of vampires?" Is the film too obscure, or is there something wrong with my eyes? Makes me feel like I'm not watching a vampire movie at all. In the end, the scene where Susan committed suicide was quite bloody, which brought me back the joy of watching horror films~

This film is very tasteful in terms of music, makeup, styling, scenery and photography, especially Catherine Deneuve's overall look Very elegant and classical~ Aunt Catherine was really beautiful when she was young, and in this play, she exudes aristocratic atmosphere. But I don't feel like she's a vampire from start to finish~ Is there something wrong with this? David Bowie is very handsome. The scene in the bathroom between these two is very beautiful. Kiss should be shot like this to make people feel beautiful~ But his character has become very annoying since his rapid aging. I wish he would hang up sooner. .

Miriam went to seduce Susan immediately after John's death. Susan came to her house. She played Lakme's piano music and told the story of Lakme and Mallika to flirt with Susan. Then, Susan was seduced...~The two of them At the beginning of the foreplay, the opera, Flower Duet, played by Ou Chao Ai Na (I was shocked by this song when I watched TLW, in fact, the English version of Come With Me can move me even more, after all, I can understand the meaning of the lyrics) , until the end. In terms of erotica, the film is not stingy, but why is the blood-sucking scene so secretive? It is estimated that it is a heavy taste developed by watching True Blood recently, and I am very upset by the depression of this movie~

Saw an introduction to the film and book written by a blogger on LJ. The movie is really a lot more restrained than the book. For example, the beautiful violin girl Alice is actually Miriam's choice to be John's backup. When she grows up, she will become her lover~ It's not so obvious in the movie, I don't feel it at all. It's not that Miriam has plans for her, and Alice won't compete with John like in the book, so in the movie, John's jealousy and hatred of her even kill her brutally in the end, which makes me a little confused. In short, the movie is not bad to watch, although occasionally there will be a feeling of drowsiness~

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The Hunger quotes

  • Miriam Blaylock: You're a part of me now and I cannot let you go.

  • John Blaylock: Dr. Roberts.

    Sarah Roberts: Yeah.

    John Blaylock: You Iet me down.

    Sarah Roberts: Beg your pardon?

    John Blaylock: You didn't beIieve me. You made me sit here for over two hours.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock?

    John Blaylock: You had your meeting to go to. Fifteen minutes, you said. You Iied. Just thought I was some ridicuIous oId crank.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock, wait, pIease.

    John Blaylock: Wait? I can't wait.

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