Dr. Jonathan Steele:
According to your file, you believe that the police substituted a fake boy for your son.
Christine Collins:
No, I didn't say he was a fake boy. He's not *my* boy. They brought home the wrong boy. My son is still missing.
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
Well, that's strange, because I have here a newspaper article with a photo of you at the train station, welcoming home your son.
[shows her the article]
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
That is you in the photo, isn't it?
Christine Collins:
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
So, at first, he was your son and now he's not your son. Has this been going on for a long time? People changing, becoming something other than what they are?
Christine Collins:
People don't change.
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
You don't think people change?
Christine Collins:
No, that's not what I...
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
Shh! The police, they're not out to persecute you?
Christine Collins:
No, they're not.
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
No, they're not. The police are here to protect you.
Christine Collins:
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
Christine Collins:
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
Well, that's odd, because when you were admitted, you told the head nurse that the police were conspiring *deliberately* to punish you. So, either the head nurse and the interns are also conspiring to punish you or you're changing your story.
Dr. Jonathan Steele:
Do you often have trouble telling reality from fantasy, Mrs. Collins?
Christine Collins: