My thoughts on a bad movie with such a strong American feel

Leda 2022-12-16 22:39:25

1. Laomei is always promoting her own values ​​and ideas of peace, even in this puppet show with such a strong sense of criticism.
2. Except for the swear words in this play, I can't seem to remember any valuable lines.
3. I deeply despise this screenwriter. The language is too poor, so poor that it is impossible to make the lines coherent without swearing.
4. On behalf of himself, Lao Mei made a profound realistic criticism of General Kim Jong Il.
5. The only interesting thing is when Kim Jong-il sings. . . That Korean pronunciation. .
6. In the end, Kim Jong-il became weaker, which once again confirmed the barren imagination of the Americans. Anyway, the aliens they hate are bugs...

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Extended Reading

Team America: World Police quotes

  • Kim Jong Il: You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!

  • Gary Johnston: I promise.

    Gary Johnston: I will never die.