That's the bright red sprinting Lola

Elyse 2022-03-21 09:01:26

Because his own despair could not be relieved, he chose Lola to run quickly to stimulate himself. like.

The camera is aimed at the red-haired woman who is running all the way, her bright red short hair swaying with firm light and shadow. Weihan's face is immersed in the rush, the goal seems to be clear, but the expression is extremely dazed. Dirty and wrinkled tank tops and trousers, the posture of running is not good, but it is completely the posture of running. Such a persistent but confused look is exactly what can impress us, it is the representative form of youth, and the image of all youth is figurative.

You see they were just like us back then. You see them hugging each other persistently and repeatedly asking each other to prove their love, muttering "feelings". Look at Laura's expression when she screams. You see Lola holding on to the courage that love can change everything. You can see how moving they are with their pistols in hand, their expressions tough and confused in their eyes. You see them falling to the ground like they were dying, but they were not at all in a desperate posture, their eyes looking at the sky with their memories of reminiscence, and they said nothing, so everything really turned around. That’s what we all have. Those of us who haven’t learned to accept life in its entirety, when all sorrows, grief, despair, anger and suffering come, we always instinctively refuse to believe in reality at first, and always say no to domineering, it seems that our refusal to accept It is the key to open space and time that can really change everything. This is Lola's luck or this is our sadness. Lola, who is in the film country, can really restart the time and space, but in reality, we slowly learn to surrender to reality after disappointment again and again. Slowly we grew up, and slowly we sighed, sighed, shed tears, excited and inexplicably silent as we watched Lola insist on running. That kind of pressing youth always fades away from everyone, but there will always be people who are still showing that kind of youth. Twenty-year-old love is our past and will naturally be their present. Looking at them, we will always When they think of their former selves, most of them smile and then stay silent, but they don't think about their future selves when they see us. Twenty-year-olds always believe that youth will not disappear from them. , unfortunately, we were like that back then.

I don't know why, such a youthful and aggressive attitude can always impress me easily, maybe I am really old. laugh.

Movies are always about destiny. I don't know how to say this. Destiny, I think it is better to say that fate comes through the bones. Maybe negative, but I really believe in the existence of fate. Always hopeful for a change, but often disappointed. Maybe everyone is like this. In reality, they can't ask for too much, so almost everyone will unconsciously assume when they read books while watching a movie. If so... This is also the director's cleverness. He makes everything in Lola or Mann. When Jie was on the verge of death, when he recklessly said no, he really turned back time and overturned it all over again. So in just over an hour of film, the story was rewritten three times, and finally ended in the most perfect place. It's too kind to fulfill the obscenity as a bystander. This is really ironic to say.

I like the scene where the receiver is thrown back at the end of the phone call when everything is overturned and restarted. The bright red receiver and the gray-green background are beautiful and hopeful. I like the feeling that there is hope, whether it's my own hope or the hope of others, hope is always a good thing, or it won't end up in Pandora's deadly magic box, right, lol.

In fact, looking back and forth, the key to determining the fate of Lola Manjie's father and so many strangers was actually the person Lola met in the corridor with the big dog at first. Lola avoided being tripped or jumped over, only It was a few seconds of difference, and then everything happened in a completely different way, the butterfly effect. Fate is really mysterious and mysterious. The nuances of each factor will have its direction, and the trivial direction will eventually interact to lead us to an unknown outcome. There are so many facts that cannot be subjective, it is hopeless. After all, we don't exist in the movie, not everyone is Lola, not everyone has the opportunity to go back to the starting point and run again. Then again, maybe not everyone has the courage to step back and run again, lol. Lola's story can really satisfy our lust, starting from scratch, what Li Yaohui is most afraid to hear in the light of day, in fact, everyone is eager and afraid. Lola ran again, and we were satisfied in a new round of running. It seems we are like that too.

The movie is very good, the story is very creative, the plot is compact, the shooting technique is also very creative, the montage is big and big, the fast cuts and the shaking shots on the run, the intentional animation, the intense music or rhythm in the background The murmur of a woman with a strong sense of feeling is really exciting, maybe there is a sense of suffocation, lol.

I like a few scenes in it. When Lola ran to her father's bank for the third time but didn't catch up with her father who was picked up by Meyer, the security guard of the bank stood idle at the door but said abruptly, "You're finally here." After he finished speaking, he seemed to be very surprised and didn't know why. Maybe he didn't know why he said that. As bystanders, we will feel very natural about this sentence. After all, we have witnessed the conflict between Lola and his father after the first two runs. It is natural that Lola will not catch up with her father this time. Uncle security guard in the story, why do you know. It seems like a sudden string of words, just as the second master in Journey to the West said to the Supreme Treasure that disappeared through time and space, ah, it disappeared again, why do I say it again, strange. Like a director's unintentional little joke, like a little episode of time and space disorder, it is extraordinarily unique.

I also like the ending. Manjie's crisis is resolved, and he happily hugs Lola, who is still panting with a bag of money and doesn't quite understand. The change in Lola's expression may be translated as: Huh? how? But... um... oops, what does it matter! I like that the expression on Lola's face gradually changed from a complex one to a simple and comfortable smile, and I like the moment when her hand tightly holding the bag containing the life-saving money she finally won naturally loosened, how wonderful.

Run, if the hair is not so short, it will always look good swaying.

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Run Lola Run quotes

  • Herr Meier: Is everything all right?

    Lola: No.

  • Vater: To think that I could have fathered a loon like you!

    Lola: But you did, you jerk!

    Vater: Oh, yeah? Your real father didn't even live to see your birth!