If only this day was repeated

Letitia 2022-11-01 08:07:44

It's really painful to repeat this day all the time.

In the first few days, maybe I will choose to walk around, play everywhere, chat with all kinds of people, and eat all kinds of food.
But being back in bed at 12:01 and waking up at 7:35 every day is really unpleasant, which means you can't go very far, and everything around you will get tired of it quickly.
If it weren't for the director's light like the protagonist's ability to discover the reason for the rebound of time, then... this life would be a big deal. . .

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Extended Reading

12:01 quotes

  • [Barry and Howard watch Lisa across the lunchroom after Barry's first disastrous attempt to meet her]

    Barry Thomas: So, uh, she likes me. A lot. Wouldn't you agree?

    Howard Richter: Yeah. I'd say, like, you and a vicious ice cream headache are probably neck and neck.

    Barry Thomas: Do I always sound like such an idiot or, or do I just save it for the people I really want to impress?

  • [waking on the "second" morning, Barry realizes that his potted geranium, which he had drunkenly broken the night before, is now intact again]

    Barry Thomas: *One* of us fell down last night.

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