cannibal church

Darien 2022-06-15 15:47:03

The first impression after watching it is the most important thing. It's like intuition. So I didn't look for relevant reviews right away. I didn't look for any movie reviews to sway my judgment before watching it. BF asked me, what do you think he wanted to express? What do you mean? I said: cannibalism church. There was a lot of fighting...I am very wronged. This is a cannibalistic church, why is it advertised as unfathomable! Pilgrimage? Faith? Self-sacrifice?...Please , does it have to be so noble and tragic to make it great? A short film of a few minutes can express a theme - either humorous, ironic, moving, or absurd. Or simply reflecting a dream ---- In short, it is not related to noble. The foreigner does not learn and summarize the central idea from childhood like us...

I analyzed it with him like this: a traveler has experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and came to the end of the world (we It was impossible to tell whether he had made this his destination or had lost his way in his travels. Under the devoured sun, surrounded by a silent wilderness. A fortified and ornate church stood alone. He hesitated, Stepping towards the door of the church (this can be seen from the action he turned around, this action was thought out, and it can also be inferred that the church may not be his final destination). I think the motives for entering the church are as follows Articles: 1. Exhausted, looking for a place to perch; 2. Curious. Yes, it's that simple. After

entering the dark church, the door behind you slowly closes, this is the prelude to the cannibal church---everything begins to enter it Control. The man was a little nervous. He squeezed the torch and walked in the only direction. There were some weird faces in the place illuminated by the torch. After being disturbed by the light, their expressions showed indifference, ridicule and even indifference--- Another fool who has been lured in. At the same time, it sends a message - as long as there is light, trees will grow. This sets the stage for the next.

The man continued on his way, when he came to the end of the real world - an unfinished church with a cliff held up by lava in front of him. He was confused, the road before and after was blocked, and he had no way. Can go. At this time, the solar eclipse has begun to slowly leave, the dust is flying, and it seems to herald disaster. He just stood up straight, watching the sun piercing the gap in the church, and striding towards him. He came back to his senses, a beam of hot sunlight penetrated his chest, at this time, his blood spurted into countless roots and branches, almost in an instant, he became a big tree, and the pioneers in front of him. Like, became part of the body of the cathedral.

He didn't even have time to think, let alone resist... poor man...

This is the story of how the cathedral can eat people.

Anyway, that's how I understand it.

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