On the Importance of Man's Self-worth Reflection

Gia 2022-03-21 09:01:47

I came home early today and watched the movie "27 Dresses".
It tells the story of a wedding-loving MM (hereinafter referred to as: Jane) who finally married herself after being the 27th bridesmaid.

In this movie, some people saw Jane's forbearance, some people saw the excitement of beautiful wedding dresses and creative theme weddings, and some people saw the difference in views between men and women on marriage.

What I see is how frenzied the need to manifest self-worth is in people's hearts.

Jane attended a wedding when she was young. The bride accidentally broke her wedding dress before the wedding. Jane saved the poor bride with a ribbon on her sister's head. (Self-worth reflects need 1)
Since then, Jane has fallen in love with weddings. (There is a greater need for value affirmation after the self-worth is manifested) When

Jane became an adult, she was addicted to turning around and being a bridesmaid in various girlfriends' weddings, so much that she thought Jane was a professional bridesmaid when she saw Jane running between the two weddings at the beginning. player.
Of course, the supporting roles are generally eliminated by the protagonist, and I still hope that there will be a chance to be the protagonist.
Jane is in love with her boss, George. (Please make sure to pronounce it in a righteous accent, qi-ao, Qiao, zhi, zhi) Jane would be so happy she didn't know where the north was if George gave her a little compliment. (Self-value manifesting need 2)

Jane decided to confess, but was robbed of the fat that was about to be obtained by her sister who was killed halfway. Jane's sisters Tess and George fell in love at first sight and quickly fell into the fire of dry wood. It can be found here that in fact, most of the men are visual, and George was attracted by Tess's hot body at first sight. So much so that he ignored a lot of things that he later thought were important but didn't actually place an important position in his subconscious.

At this time, an undercover reporter, Keiven, appeared beside Jane in a stalking attitude. Jane never gave a good face.
Keiven and Jane's relationship improved after a Jane's bridesmaid dress show. Jane changed 27 sets of dresses, and Keiven took pictures of each set with intoxicated eyes. Of course, he took pictures for the purpose of writing special topics. But Jane's attitude obviously softened. (Self-worth reflects need 3)

George wants to marry Tess.
Jane's knowledge of the marriage process is bound to make her the perfect wedding planner. But Jane can't stand the tragic fate of someone I love getting married and the bride is not mine. Jane hated that she was taking care of Tess and George like a nanny without getting the attention they wanted to give her. (Self-worth reflects the need for four)
So, at the engagement party, a ppt completely smashed Tess and George's wedding plan.

At this time, George finally opened his eyes and found the snail girl beside him.
Expand the old man's flirtation, ready to take down Jane.
Jane Jane resolutely switched to Keiven.
Self-worth Reflection Requirement 5: Although George also thinks that I am good now, I am the second choice for him, but in Keiven, I am the first pick.

In the end, Jane and Keiven had a beach wedding, and the 27 wives Jane had been bridesmaids for, stood in a row in the bridesmaid dresses they had when they got married.
It is estimated that this is also the request of Jane, otherwise the gathering will not be so neat.
That's right, self-worth reflects the need for six.

Well, what the whole movie emphasizes is that people's need for value expression is basically one of the most basic desires after human beings step into the civilized world.
To be satisfied, to be satisfied as much as possible.
Not only to be self-satisfied, but also to help others be satisfied.
This is a high-level merit that benefits the country and the people to build a harmonious society.

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27 Dresses quotes

  • Jane's Aunt: Must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

    Jane: Yes. Then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers and I feel SO much better!

  • Jane: You would rather hang out with Italian models than come with me to my *awesome* work party?