Goodbye, BSG~~

Adolphus 2022-10-10 08:34:16

The great BSG is over. After watching the finale of the last two hours the day before yesterday, I couldn't stop sighing. BSG is great. There is no doubt that it should be the most exciting science fiction TV series in the past 30 years. It is the Star Trek of my age.

I remember a few years ago, when I was still in graduate school. I watched BSG's opening Mini Series with headphones in the middle of the night in the dormitory. The three-hour opening chapter is full of emotions.

Now this great sci-fi TV series is finally over, and BSG is around me. There are not many dead fans, and I am not even one of them. I am just an ordinary audience, and I insisted on watching this drama, including several short series in the middle, and side stories.

The prequel of BSG has begun to warm up. It is said that the style has been changed. I haven't watched it yet, so I'm looking forward to it.

I just watched a video on the Internet paying tribute to the BSG finale. It said that there are ten minutes, but only the first five minutes. I don’t know where the last five minutes are?

The final ending of BSG is infinitely sad and full of beauty. It's really mainstream, but it's not dark~~

Goodbye, BSG~
So Say We All

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Extended Reading

Battlestar Galactica quotes

  • Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [Starbuck had sex with Baltar] I don't owe you anything.

    Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: No, you don't owe me anything 'cause I'm just a C.A.G., and you're just a pilot!

    Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Right.

    Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: Pilot who can't keep her pants on.

    Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Right.

    Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: Oh, it is just like old times, Kara. Like when you got drunk and you couldn't keep your hands off that major from wherever...

    [Starbuck punches Apollo, and Apollo instantly punches her right back]

  • Doctor Gaius Baltar: [Baltar has a two-way argument with Roslin and Number Six at the same time] Well, quite frankly, I don't give a flying frak whether you believe me or not, all right? Because I've had it, I am... I'm tired of being pushed and prodded around like I'm some kind of toy. I'm not your plaything!

    Number SixPresident Laura Roslin: [simultaneously, in stereo] Plaything?

    Doctor Gaius Baltar: I don't work for you and uh, quite frankly, I don't have to sit any more and take this kind of abuse from either of you!... Er,

    [points at Billy]

    Doctor Gaius Baltar: *you* either... either in *here*, either in there, wherever it is...