I think it's called a good movie

Karl 2022-03-15 09:01:02

A five-hour movie, in the small space of a submarine, has no reasoning and suspense plots to attract, no women (for the moment, ignore the pub before departure) to seduce, but it does not make people feel lengthy at all, I think so If a movie is not a good movie, then there is no good movie.
I feel that this is actually a movie about people, so it has long since left the realm of ideology. Whether it is victory or defeat, or Germany once committed the disgusting crime of massacre, the officers and soldiers on the boat are only soldiers. . Just people tortured by war.
The first thing that caught my attention in the film was that the phone rang at the party at the beginning and the old captain subconsciously shouted "alarm" (I analyzed it as an English pronunciation, I don't know if German is also an alarm) The war has been given to these people mentally traumatized.
What made me sigh again and again was the spirit of "don't give up, don't give up" and technical proficiency. At first I thought that I was worthy of being a German soldier, but later I thought that it was not just Germans, but all human beings. common good character. I can't help but mention our soldier Tuji again. Of course, if you compare it with this movie, it's a big joke, but you don't need to let a stunned person shout "don't give up, don't give up". However, this kind of spirit has been depicted to the end, so let's study hard.
At the end of the film, although it is somewhat in line with the war-weariness atmosphere of the whole film, there are still some political influences of the Third Reich as a defeated country that should not be described as a relatively successful image. I can't say for this.

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Das Boot quotes

  • Captain: Phillip, the old bunch is gone. Look at these new heroes. All wind and smoke. Just big mouths.

    Thomsen: Yeah, yeah. They keep together, balls in hand. And the belief in our Führer in their eyes.

    Captain: They will know in time.

  • Captain: Not bad in here, is it? No mail, no telephone. Solid wood paneling. Well-ventilated boat. Free food, too. "Rolling in clover" we are.

    Der Leitende: ...Like fresh horse-droppings. They're "Rolling in clover" as well. They have no need to make a living. They're even allowed to smoke.