BTW: Three stars for the movie, the extra one is for Kevin Spacey.
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Obie 2022-01-25 08:07:02
View more about 21 reviews
[the team tests Ben to see if he knows the signals to counting cards]
Kianna: Okay, what's this?
Ben Campbell: [Kianna holds her hands behind her back] Uh, the deck's hot.
Ben Campbell: [Choi scratches the corner of his eye] We need to talk.
Ben Campbell: [Fisher rubs his hand over his forehead] The deck's cooling.
Ben Campbell: [Jill combs her hair behind her ear] And get out. Get out now.
[Ben plays cards in a casino room when he's suddenly dragged to another room with a bag over his head]
Micky Rosa: [Micky disguises his voice, talking to Ben through the bag] What's the count?
Ben Campbell: Please, don't hurt me.
Micky Rosa: [Micky again] I said, what's the count?
Ben Campbell: I haven't done anything.
Micky Rosa: [Micky yelling] What's the count!
Ben Campbell: [Ben hesitates before saying] Plus 18.
Ben Campbell: [the bag is taken off Ben's head when he see's the team standing around him] Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.
Micky Rosa: Congratulations, Ben. Sorry, we had to make sure you'd keep the count under pressure. Welcome to the team.
Kianna: Aww. We didn't mean it.
Choi: It's okay, Campbell, I cried inside that bag.