The professional ethics of the killer

Jean 2022-03-20 09:01:10

This film wins from the perspective. Movies that usually talk about killers are either rigid, such as "Sniper"; or add some tenderness, such as "This Killer Is Not So Cold"; but starting from the career of the killer, it was the first one I saw.
The killer is also a profession, and there are also elegant and angry young people on duty, as well as conservative and hippie people; of course, they also have their own professional ethics. For the two professional killers and two partners with very different personalities and hobbies in this film, the intersection between them is the "work" cooperation. But the friendship established at work is revealed in one of them being forced to kill the other. I like that the plot of this movie is so unexpected. I thought that the two were sent to Bruges to perform assassination missions, but unexpectedly, one was going to kill the other, but in fact the other was already planning to commit suicide...
Clues to the development of the plot Some are like "Crazy Stone", but it is not so compact. The film does not focus on this, but is trying to express some humanity and make people think. A good film allows you to think after watching it, and remember most of the plot in the future.

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In Bruges quotes

  • [upon reaching the top of the tower and overlooking the city]

    Ken: [to himself] I like it here.

  • Ray: Harry, I've got an idea.

    Harry: What?

    Ray: My room faces out the canal, right? I'm going to go back to me room, jump into the canal, see if I can swim to the other side and escape.

    Harry: All right.

    Ray: If you go outside around the corner, you can shoot at me from there and try to get me. That way we'll leave this lady and her baby out of the whole entire thing.

    Harry: You completely promise to jump into the canal? I don't want to run out there, come back in ten minutes, and find you fucking hiding in a cupboard.

    Ray: I completely promise, Harry. I'm not going to risk having another little kid dying on me.

    Harry: So, hang on - I go outside and I go which way? Right or left?

    Ray: [upset] You go right, don't you? You can see it from the doorway! It's a big fucking canal!

    Harry: All right. Jesus. I only just got here, haven't I? Okay, on the count of one, two, three, go. Okay?

    Ray: Okay.

    [long pause]

    Ray: What? Who says it?

    Harry: Well you say it.

    Marie: You people are crazy.