Watch The Wrestler

Ole 2022-03-15 09:01:02

08 Venice's Golden Lion Award winner, the Golden Globe Award just announced two days ago, won the best actor.
The Wrestler is about the fate of a man on the fringes of society. This theme is easily reminiscent of "Raging Bull", but the "wrestling" and boxing in this film are not the same concept at all. It is not even a sport, but a perverted and cruel show that seems to be unique to the United States. The top and the heroine's striptease career in the film is similar, quite marginal and low-level (the ticket for the final game in the film is only $3).
The wrestler played by Mickey Rourke is much simpler than the character of Robert De Niro in Raging Bull. He is poor, injured, and extremely lonely. As a professional wrestler, the old He had been unable to adapt to other jobs, and emotionally deprived of any concern, he had to choose to commit suicide in wrestling.
After experiencing "The Fountain of Youth", which was widely ridiculed and ridiculed three years ago, Darren Aronofsky chose a very realistic and documentary style this time, such as a large number of back shots. It is said that she originally wanted to ask Nicolas Cage to star in the film. For this reason, Cage also carefully studied the scene of the wrestling match. After Cage missed the film, the director found Mickey Rourke, a former boxer before the film. actor.

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.