i love chocolate

Monroe 2022-03-18 09:01:03

I love chocolate
and the warmth of those chocolates
I love comedy
and those happy endings
I believe in what my eyes see and what my
ears hear
what my tongue tastes I believe in myself I believe in my

How amazing the world of chocolate is
Those created are always beyond imagination.
If there happens to be a person who can guess your favorite flavor in one sentence,
will you believe that there is a miracle in this world?

Thanks to watching the show when surrounded by chocolate
kisses Life is too beautiful almond milk
, at least I saw "nipples of Venus" out of time
while their mouths with chocolate while laughing much
if we have a little cream. . . Hahaha Perfect!

Not everything will have Perfect Ending,
but in life, there will be chocolates to
enjoy tonight, and the most impatient to send them to welcome.
We haven't been to towns yet, we haven't helped people in need, and we haven't fought battles yet.
Next time, let someone else do it.
How could you possibly be more clear about what I need?

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Extended Reading

Chocolat quotes

  • Vianne Rocher: What do you see in it?

    Armande Voizin: Not a damned thing.

    Vianne Rocher: Come on, it's a game. What do you see?

    Armande Voizin: I see a cranky old woman too tired to play games.

    Vianne Rocher: Hmm. I've got just the thing for you.

  • Père Henri: [hearing confession] What else?

    Guillaume Blerot: Impure thoughts. The woman who runs the chocolaterie...

    Père Henri: Vianne Rocher?

    Guillaume Blerot: She suggested I buy chocolate sea shells for the widow Audel. And, well... I guess that got me to thinking, about the widow Audel.

    Père Henri: At her age? At *your* age?

    Guillaume Blerot: Yes, and yes.