Madman Diary

Garfield 2022-03-19 09:01:03

I believe in science very much, because science can always back up a fact with huge evidence, giving people a sense of security of trust, especially in this era of increasingly lack of trust.
However, it is impossible for the small and humble self in reality to touch the plots that exist in the fantasy. Only science fiction films can save oneself from thirst for all these unknown things.
Different from the helpless maple, the heroine Ally in Contact has extraordinary talents in mathematics and physics, and the most important thing is her endless love for astronomy. Beliefs: why we exist and what is the meaning of our existence.
When Ally was scolded as a lunatic while holding a lot of materials looking for sponsorship, I saw a passage that brought tears to my eyes:
Science fiction? I'll let you hear the more absurd: there are two guys who want to make something called an airplane, and let people sit in and learn how to fly, absurd isn't it? What about breaking the sound barrier? And lunar rockets, atomic energy, and flying to Mars? It's all just science fiction, right?
All I beseeching you is a little imagination. Take a step back and look at this vast world. Take a risk and it will probably be the most shocking...both for humanity and history.

When we sit comfortably in an air-conditioned room today, turn on our computers and surf the Internet, and sigh with nothing to do, do we ever think that the people who invented all this have paid for everything we take for granted today? Throughout the ages, scientists are still discriminated against and puzzled by so much. They are still an odd group of people, and they are still a bunch of lunatics who compete with a bunch of fantasies all day long. I often feel very sad for them, they go too fast, the whole human race has not caught up with him, when we are unwilling to admit our ignorance, we are more keen to weed them off the list of ordinary people, they live forever in an age that cannot be understood. However, without them, the Earth might not be any different from what it was a billion years ago. Sacrificing yourself for the future of all mankind sounds like a very high-sounding preaching, but in many corners of the earth, there are many scientists you have never heard of who have been fighting for it.
The conflict between faith and science was mentioned many times in the film, especially when I saw a bunch of believers laughing and sparring next to the launch base, I, like Ally, watched it very badly. Not believing does not mean denying existence. I just have my own set of the most simple and simple values. If you exist, please provide me with evidence. It's that simple.
But there are too many things in this world that cannot provide evidence, such as whether God exists and whether you love someone very much, sounds simple, but we can't provide an exact and rigorous proof or answer, but all of this is like this exists.
As many times, it is difficult for me to explain my love for astronomy and international politics. Although I do not intend to devote myself to these two, I will not believe in the past, not now, nor in the future, but this love is so real I can't deny it and I can't explain it, as Ally said at the final hearing, but as a human being, my whole body of feeling tells me it's real.
I really hope that this film will still have some factual basis after all, I firmly believe in the existence of wormholes and time travel, and the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, even if they are thousands of light-years, hundreds of billions of light-years away. If only human beings are on this lonely little blue planet in such a vast, deep and mysterious universe, are we really too lonely?

saw the last big one at the end of the film: For Carl.
I was very moved. It turned out to be the work of astronomer Sagan, no wonder the science fiction is so real.
Hats off to Carl.

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Contact quotes

  • Dr. Kent Clark: Dr. Arroway will be spending her precious telescope time listening for... uh... listening for...

    Ellie Arroway: Little green men.

  • David Drumlin: Ellie, still waiting for E.T. to call?