Faith can collapse, love can reap miracles

Aaliyah 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Is the director the one who made "The Redemption of Sean Ke", or the adaptation of Stephen King.

The director's first film "The Redemption of Sean Kee" said it was a belief, and the
second film "The Miracle of Green Miles " said it was love
. I haven't seen three movies.
And the fourth movie "The Mist" says:
Faith on one side and love on the other side. Faith may collapse, but love will reap miracles

. The male protagonist who insists on his faith and is not afraid of rape fails to pass the last hurdle.
He had done well enough before dawn , but as the car finally drove slowly out of the fog, he saw his wife's body, saw a monster the size of a Big Mac, and then the gas was gone, and there was a rumbling horror in the distance the sound

he could not continue to adhere to their beliefs, faith is to protect his son survive belief, he chose to give up, to help four people to commit suicide, then get off and found the sound of rumbling sound turned out to be rescued their tanks ...

At first I felt embarrassed, but I thought of Shawn Ke. The actor was wrongfully imprisoned. He was sodomized, insulted, and the only person who proved his innocence was shot by the warden, but he did not give up his beliefs. The male protagonist of "The Mist" failed to withstand a series of blows and gave up on

failure. There is only one kind of failure, which is to give up halfway.

The ending of "The Mist" is not dark, even very bright, because in the end I saw that when the mist appeared, the first woman who walked into the mist for the love of her children lived to the end, and most of the people in the whole movie were for themselves When she seeks religious and scientific faith and dependence because of her cowardice and fear, this woman just walks into the fog because of pure love.

I feel that the director is telling us the most important thing in this world that we should pursue without money, religion, science, and desire - love.

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Extended Reading

The Mist quotes

  • Jim Grondin: We got you now, you sorry son of a bitch!

  • Irene: We had damage at the school, wouldn't you know. That's what we get for not fixing that roof when we should've. But with funds being cut every year... You'd think educating children would be more of a priority in this country. But you'd be wrong. Government's got better things to spend our money on. Like corporate handouts, and building bonds.