Please don't feel too good about yourself!

Cleve 2022-03-21 09:01:32

Impulse is the devil
Why is Anthony Hopkins' character able to come out on top in his first court appearance? Because of the meticulous planning in the early stage, and the absolute calmness, the opponents made uncool behaviors in court.
Why did the litigator fail the first time and completely?
Because of his excellent record in personal litigation and going to a new big company, I feel complacent and proud, which is why the actor chose him.
Why is the case over, and the prosecutor will overturn it?
The male protagonist thinks he is perfect, loses his original careful thinking, and becomes proud. When victory comes, he has to make a phone call to stimulate the loser and show off his victory, causing the loser to bite the bullet!
After watching this movie, I learned one thing, don't be self-righteous at all times, and be low-key. When you are "weak" in the eyes of your opponent, it means you have a chance. This is called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

I would like to mention a few flaws in my opinion:
1: The possibility of changing guns.
A: Do the police officers who have been with the heroine's wife appear at the scene of the crime as soon as possible? What if another police officer comes? Do you want to name this policeman?
b: Is it difficult to find two identical guns? Have the parties never paid attention to this detail? You know he even prepared a perjury gun! No wonder I want to commit suicide, so impulsive (beating people in court, sweat!), no brains.
c: I personally think that the method of changing guns is too risky. It is better to get a hydrogen balloon to fly as the prosecutor said!
2: The main evidence includes guns and bullets. Why didn't you expect the bullets, who handled the body when his wife died? I don't know American customs. I don't think this is a problem in China. It can be found in the ashes after being cremated. At that time, the protagonist was still innocent, and this condition was completely met.
3: Even if the trial is re-trial, it may not be convicted. There is still a chance to make a comeback. The bullet can only prove which gun was shot, but the owner of the gun committed suicide. There are many stories in here.

Summary: Beware of arrogance and impatience, clamp your tail and be a man, don't show off when you win, learn to pretend to be B!

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Extended Reading

Fracture quotes

  • Willy Beachum: I don't think the gun grew little gun legs and walked out of the house. It's in here somewhere, find it.

  • Ted Crawford: You know, my grandfather was an egg farmer.

    Willy Beachum: This isn't going to be about your, uh, "rough childhood," is it?

    Ted Crawford: No, I used to candle eggs at his farm. Do you know what that is? You hold an egg up to the light of a candle and you look for imperfections. The first time I did it he told me to put all the eggs that were cracked or flawed into a bucket for the bakery. And he came back an hour later, and there were 300 eggs in the bakery bucket. He asked me what the hell I was doing. I found a flaw in every single one of them - you know, thin places in the shell; fine, hairline cracks. You look closely enough, you'll find that everything has a weak spot where it can break, sooner or later.

    Willy Beachum: You looking for mine?

    Ted Crawford: I've already found yours.

    Willy Beachum: What is it?

    Ted Crawford: You're a winner, Willy.

    Willy Beachum: Yeah.

    [chuckles nervously]

    Willy Beachum: Well, I guess the joke's on me then, isn't it?

    Ted Crawford: [grinning] You bet your ass, old sport.