【S01E03】Mission Creep - I waited for you. - I didn't ask you to. - No, no, you didn't. You just…left. Because you thought you'd get killed over there, and that would hurt me. But I think truth is that, It was easier for you to be alone. - That's one of the things you learn over there--In the end, we're all alone. And no one is coming to save you. Be happy with Peter.
- You don't believe that. Not really. You wanna be brave? Take a risk. Tell me to wait for you and…Say those words and I will. It would take real courage, wouldn't it?
- Wait for me, please.
【S01E20】Matsya Nyaya - It's me. Jessica, I mean. I don't even know if you check this number. I need to talk. - Jessica, I got your message. - I don't know if you'd call me back. We haven't talked in-- what, four years? - What's wrong? Is everything okay with Peter? - Yeah, he's fine. We're both fine. I just…needed a friend that I could talk to. - Something's wrong. Talk to me. - You know, you were right. In the airport, the last time I saw you. You said that, in the end, we were all alone. I should go. - Jess. - Bye, John. - I'm coming to get you. I'll be there in 24 hours.Wait for me.
- I'll wait.
【S01E21】Many Happy Returns - She said she would wait. - You don't have anything I want. Not anymore. - Who the hell are you? - Good question. Haven't known the answer for a long time. I know who I was. I was the guy who left her behind. You know why? The real reason? Because I thought she deserved someone better than me. I thought she deserved someone who would look after her…be there for her. I thought she deserved someone like you. So I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me. - Tell you what? -Who I'm supposed to be now. Now that she's gone. See…when you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different…someone better. When that person is taken from you…what do you become then ?
I'm so sorry.
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