Repression instead of thugs.

Alexzander 2022-03-19 09:01:04

The strong are violent to the weak, and the despair and helplessness of the weak are often ignored. In modern culture, they often become entertainment, such as violent games and movies, horror films, etc., and the feelings of the weak are ignored. In Ghost in the Shell, the plot of exchanging data cables when skinning is to slow down the cruel rhythm and let the skinned people slowly experience the fear. The metaphor of the plot is the indictment of the voice of the weak.

If JEFF was avenged by someone more powerful, such as the girl's father and brother, the police, etc., the plot would not be seen through at all, because JEFF's identity was once again transformed into the weak, and the fear of the weak was ignored again. It is precisely because the identity of the strong still maintains an appearance that fear is superimposed on the original control, so that people can experience anger even more, so that observers who have always substituted themselves into the strong side can suddenly experience the lamb's anger. trembling. This experience is indirect, because most people are still "unwilling" and "unconvinced", discussing why they did not resist with violence, using the power of a 30-year-old man to easily kill an unarmed 14-year-old girl. In the film, he There are many opportunities. It can be said that when I was watching the movie at the beginning, I was waiting with bated breath for the opportunity to counterattack. It appeared many times, but JEFF's actions exceeded my expectations. JEFF won't fight back, that's just the logic of Hollywood action movies. JEFF is repressed, and the tone of the whole film is repressed, because repression always accompanies deception and conspiracy itself. So that's what the film is trying to convey.

There is nothing wrong with pedophilia, the pursuit of purity, or murder for pleasure, it is his right.
But others also have the right to live, and to take revenge.

PS One thing I want to say is that Little Red Riding Hood’s bag is too good to hold, it’s not a big canvas bag, not to mention a big medical book, and two sets of clothes to change, a surgical gown, various Surgical instruments, a lot of ropes, a pair of testicles, video tapes, the bag still looks loose and not very heavy, it is simply Doraemon's pocket!

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Hard Candy quotes

  • Hayley Stark: You really just don't look like kind of guy who needs to meet girls over the internet.

    Jeff Kohlver: Well, I think it's better to meet people online first, sometimes. You get to know what they're like inside. When you work as a photographer you find out, real quick, people's faces lie.

    Hayley Stark: Does my face lie?

  • Hayley Stark: Well, 4 out of 5 doctors agree that I am actually insane.